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Angela Jia Kim of Om Aroma & Co. and Savor the Success on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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Angela Jia Kim already had a successful career as a concert pianist when her passion for creating organic lotions in her kitchen at home turned into a full-time business. On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, Angela tells the story of how she became an “accidental entrepreneur”, and why today she’s focusing on helping women entrepreneurs “Savor the Success”.
Breaking out in a rash changed Angela’s life. One night just before she was about to go on stage, Angela suffered an allergic reaction to a body lotion.

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Ingrid Vanderveldt, Empowering a Billion Women by 2020, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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Ingrid Vanderveldt is offering women around the world a chance to transform themselves, and make an impact on the global economy. Her goal is to change the lives of a billion women by 2020. You don’t want to miss Ingrid’s story, and her inspirational outlook on life in this week’s episode of Glambition Radio.

Ingrid has dedicated her life to global empowerment, especially for women. Her new venture is the Empowering a Billion Women by 2020 Initiative, which will change our global economy forever. She was the first Entrepreneur-in-Residence (“EIR”) for Dell Inc.

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Linda Rottenberg, CEO and Co-Founder of Endeavor, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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Linda Rottenberg—if you don’t know the name, you’re about to meet a woman who has changed the global entrepreneurial mentoring model for serious businesses that are scaling up. And she did this after everyone (of course) told her she was crazy. (Which led to her nickname “la chica loca”.)

Time magazine called her one of the 100 Innovators for the 21st Century, US News & World Report named her one of America’s Best Leaders, and her new book Crazy Is a Compliment: The Power of Zigging When Everyone Else Zags is a New York Times bestseller.

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Kelsey Ramsden, Top Canadian Entrepreneur, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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How did this gal grow a multi-million dollar company in the male-dominated construction industry, and starting at age 28? She did it like a woman! Hear Kelsey Ramsden’s story on this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, and how now she’s helping other entrepreneurs make their own dreams come true.

A self-proclaimed mediocre student, Kelsey almost failed high school, but went to the principal’s office and negotiated her way into graduation. She didn’t initially get into college either, but worked her way into being accepted into the undergrad program.

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Marci Shimoff, Happiness Expert, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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What makes people happy? This woman knows, after interviewing hundreds of people about their happiness habits. And you don’t want to miss Marci Shimoff’s advice and story on this week’s episode of Glambition Radio.

Marci is an expert on happiness, success and unconditional love, and I bet you have more than one of her books in your personal library. Her international bestsellers include Love for No Reason and Happiness for No Reason, and she’s a featured in the book and film The Secret.

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Christine Hassler, author of Expectation Hangover, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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If you were 25 and living the high life as a hotshot Hollywood agent, would you walk away without knowing quite what you were getting into? That’s exactly what Christine Hassler did, and she’s here to talk about it all on this week’s Glambition Radio.

When we set goals and map out dreams that DON’T turn out as expected, how do you handle that? Christine says this is an epidemic for women right now… and she calls it the Expectation Hangover, which is the title of her latest book.

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Monique Greenwood, Owner and CEO of Akwaaba, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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Would you leave a jet-set career in publishing to open a chain of B&Bs? Monique Greenwood, owner of Akwaaba Inns is shaking up the industry in a BIG way! I spoke with her for this week’s Glambition Radio.

In 1993, Monique already had the career she’d been dreaming of since she was a teenager – as editor in chief of Essence magazine, reaching over one million readers. One day on her way home, she spotted a rundown historic mansion in her Brooklyn neighborhood, and almost immediately decided she wanted to turn it into a bed and breakfast.

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Amanda Steinberg, Founder of Daily Worth, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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Take a quick guess…what is the LEADING financial media company for women? It’s Daily Worth, founded by my friend the incredible Amanda Steinberg. And she’s all OURS on this week’s episode of Glambition Radio!

Raised by a single mom who encouraged her never to depend on anyone else for her financial stability, Amanda says she became an entrepreneur at the ripe age of 5. Fast forward to her 20s, and she was earning a huge salary as a computer programmer and living the high life – the house, clothes and cars – but with no money saved (Sound familiar?).

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Denise Wilson, CEO of Desert Jet, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

How do you go from being a professional oboist and music teacher to owning a jet company?

Fasten your seatbelts, because Denise Wilson’s entrepreneurial dream has taken flight… and Glambition Radio is taking you along for the ride!

Denise is the CEO of Desert Jet, an aircraft charter company that she founded in 2007. Desert Jet offers on-demand jet charters through its fleet of aircraft based in Palm Springs, California.

Denise led Desert Jet’s growth as one of the nation’s fastest growing, privately-owned companies, ranking the last three years on the Inc.

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