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Ingrid has dedicated her life to global empowerment, especially for women. Her new venture is the Empowering a Billion Women by 2020 Initiative, which will change our global economy forever. She was the first Entrepreneur-in-Residence (“EIR”) for Dell Inc. and in just three years there she helped build worldwide initiatives that developed a $250 million-dollar business segment. She’s on the United Nations Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council, was a founding organizer of the GLASS Forum (Global Leadership & Sustainable Success) and is the co-founder of The Billionaire Girls Club. Ingrid has followed her heart and created opportunities for herself, her community and the world.
Hear how Ingrid has changed the world by clicking the play button at the top of this page.
Ingrid didn’t set out to be an entrepreneur. (As a child in a very religious household, she thought she’d grow up to be a missionary.) But, her love of the arts and interior design led to a master’s degree in architecture. When she represented her fellow students at the Architecture Institute of America, she felt a little intimidated by the business professionals around her. Deciding she should learn more about business, she enrolled in business school where she discovered a passion for entrepreneurship and found a way to grow a business and give back to her community.
I first met my new friend Ingrid last summer at the Forbes Women’s Summit in New York. We were instant soul sisters! We share a ‘don’t-take-no-for-an-answer’ attitude and are passionately motivated by the same thing: helping women live their lives to their fullest.
On this episode of Glambition Radio you’ll hear Ingrid’s story, why she thinks the key to her success is living a life of service, and how she’s helping women business owners change our global economy. I know you’ll get a lot out of this episode – listen now by clicking the play button below. And if you want to hear my most recent episodes head over to iTunes to listen or subscribe for automatic updates.
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Love and Success,

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