leadership expert Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 56 Posts categorized under leadership expert

Play It Safe? Or Double Down on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

‘Play it Safe? Or Double Down’ — Glambition® Radio Episode 203 with Ali Brown

Take this in… within the last four weeks, you’ve likely gone from being fine, jaunting out and about, and enjoying life as usual… to suddenly having much of your income abruptly cut off, being told to lock yourself inside your home, and sitting alone on a sanitized sofa ordering food from your phone.

And that’s just your personal life! Witnessing the turbulent times we’ve entered into, it’s evident that nothing will quite be the same again. So critical thinking will be more important—and urgent—than ever. For your business, and your livelihood.

This includes going against the ‘group think’ we witness around us, in our industries, online, and in the media.

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Lesley Seymour on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Lesley Jane Seymour of CoveyClub — Glambition® Radio Episode 202 with Ali Brown

Sometimes it pays to be a misfit. And for this former editor-in-chief of ‘More’ magazine, being ‘different’ is exactly what led to multiple personal and professional reinventions… each more enriching than the last. And while confronting the realities of not fitting in—with data, dollars, and social cues from strangers to prove it—can lead to a few twists and turns, these are also the circumstances that lead to immense growth and creativity.

CoveyClub Founder Lesley Jane Seymour is a renowned media entrepreneur and one of the publishing industry’s most respected leaders.

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Sunny Lenarduzzi on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Sunny Lenarduzzi, YouTube Marketing Maverick — Glambition® Radio Episode 201 with Ali Brown

How do you unintentionally grow a YouTube marketing channel with zero subscribers to a multi-7-figure business? The answer might surprise you. Coming to you live from her studio apartment—with low-tech equipment and a sharp eye for opportunity—today’s Glambition Radio guest reveals the counter-intuitive qualities that shot her to the peak of video marketing… and established her as a bona fide social media expert.

[powerpress url=http://traffic.libsyn.com/glambitionradio/201_-_Glambition_-_Sunny_Lenarduzzi.mp3]

On #GlambitionRadio, you’ll also hear the terrifying turning point which is, unfortunately, all too common among women entrepreneurs at the 7+8-figure levels—and how Sunny reoriented her ‘push’ and ‘drive’ mentality to allow for more sustainable professional acceleration and growth.

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Amy Jo Martin, Renegade Entrepreneur — Glambition® Radio Episode 200 with Ali Brown

When do you decide to shut down a ‘good thing’? This woman can tell you. From a childhood in a Wyoming trailer park to being declared the third most powerful woman on Twitter by Forbes—innovation advocate, author, and podcast host Amy Jo Martin demonstrates that renegades really do write the rules. And break them.

On today’s Glambition Radio, Amy Jo shares how she built her first company after getting her start with the NBA’s Phoenix Suns during the wild west days of social media when there were no rules or regulations in place—and how, after a whirlwind of rapid business growth and working with some of the world’s most well-known brands, she realized that her success came at too high a price—and made the difficult decision to shut everything down.

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Reshma Saujani, Founder of Girls Who Code — Glambition® Radio Episode 199 with Ali Brown

Failure. It’s an ‘f’ word that strikes panic into even the most capable and accomplished of women… but what if we could transform our fear of failure into our greatest inspiration to play, experiment, and try things on? After a devastating loss in her run for U.S. Congress, today’s Glambition Radio guest did just that—and founded an organization that is now building the largest pipeline of future female engineers in the United States.

Reshma Saujani is the Founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, the international nonprofit organization working to close the gender gap in technology and change the image of what a computer programmer looks like and does.

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Jaime Masters on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Jaime Masters of ‘Eventual Millionaire’ — Glambition® Radio Episode 194 with Ali Brown

In 2010, long before podcasting was cool, and before she had any traction with her ‘Eventual Millionaire’ podcast, today’s Glambition Radio guest crafted a vision… she wanted to eventually become a millionaire herself — and clearly outlined her future life despite how cheesy it felt to envision her dreams. And, through hopeful cold calls and emails, she slowly began to interview and surround herself with real millionaires — and discovered they had one strong success indicator in common: a clearly defined vision.

On today’s episode of Glambition Radio, author and host of ‘Eventual Millionaire’, Jaime Masters, dispels the myth that reaching millionaire status is out of the realm of possibility, along with key realizations that show… millionaires, they’re just like us!

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On dramatically raising your game…

I’m still on a high from my #ICONICwithAliBrown event two weeks ago. The most common comment I received at the end of the event from each attendee was that their ‘game’ has been dramatically raised and they are looking forward to stepping into much bigger businesses and impact.
We all had our minds blown by my friend and our guest speaker Cindy Eckert (a huge women’s health advocate who sold her company for $1 Billion). She shared her insights on thinking BIG, being resourceful, and being relentless when you have a goal.

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When Shonda Rhimes came to AZ…

You know who Shonda Rhimes is, right?
She achieved almost everything a TV producer could hope for during her long run at ABC.
She evolved into not only one of the most prolific writer-producers in the business, but also a mogul, as the founder and head of her Shondaland production company.
ABC filled its entire Thursday night lineup with her shows — from ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ to ‘Scandal’ and ‘How to Get Away With Murder’.
But there’s something I wanted to share with you here, because you can probably relate…
She shared during an interview that during this time of ultimate success, she was also getting… restless.

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My love/hate thing with Kanye West…

One thing I love to do at my events is pull in pop culture examples of interesting business and success principles.
For example, I have a love/hate thing with Kanye West.
[Fun fact: He and I shared a celebrity house-call doctor in Los Angeles for several years. If you search hard enough online, you can hear a recording from a few years ago of my doc calling in to request a 5150 hold on Kanye. I think it’s somewhere on TMZ. Classy website they are!]
I don’t really like Kanye’s music.

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The problem with ‘news’ today…

Years ago, we got our news in limited doses – a few TV or radio programs a day; the daily paper. That was it.

Today, we are accustomed to a 24-hour assault on all fronts – online and offline, and even when you try to turn it off. (Just the other day I had to endure noxious TV news airing at an airport gate. As if we aren’t already anxious enough before flying.)

The danger in this perpetual and often manufactured drama and outrage designed for our entertainment and to stoke our news addiction, is that we become numb to the news that REALLY does matter.

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