new york city Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under new york city

Why you need to stop relying on marketing…

I want to address something I’m seeing everywhere right now, and that is complete online marketing panic.

>>> I did a Facebook LIVE on this, and you can watch it here.

Just one example: There have been several instances lately where online entrepreneurs have been blindsided by sudden changes in Facebook.

One minute they were getting good-enough leads for a few dollars each, then… the leads stopped coming. The ads stopped working. FB once again changed all its algorithms, rules, etc. And as you know, all FB ‘pages’ now also have crap organic reach.

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I’m in NYC…

I’m writing this from the lobby of our chic NYC hotel, sipping an iced cold-brew coffee and getting ready for a VIP Strategy Day with a new client. Brett and I have been enjoying a week sans kids and taking in all the city has to offer!

On Wednesday night I hosted a small soiree for several of my #GlambitionRadio guests and it was wonderful to catch up with these high profile women personally. Guests included Kate White (former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan), Farnoosh Torabi (host of So Money), retail maven Lisa Robinson (formerly of QVC), and several others you may know.

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