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Displaying 3 Posts categorized under speaking events

Livestream TODAY: How to fill your coaching groups

A quick note about a free LIVE training today at 2pm Eastern (NY)/11 am Pacific .

“ Mastermind Profit Secrets; Fill your Groups, Leverage your Time, and Increase Profits ” 

A few of you have been writing me with questions about Lisa Sasevich’s program I mentioned, and I thought this would be a good chance for you to see her teaching and coaching live, and doing Q&A as well.

During this livestream, you’ll learn:

How to nail your ‘Event Promise’ — the first step to filling your event
The numbers on how it’s possible to make a year’s worth of revenue in just 3 days.

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Can SMALL events make big profits?

Do you host seminars… or have you considered hosting a seminar (or workshop, conference, event) for your business?

And would you be interested in learning how to dramatically boost your profits using those events… without needing a bigger list, huge platform, or products to sell?

Even with a workshop with as few as 10 people?

Then I’d like you to read this carefully, because there’s a very powerful resource that just opened enrollment, and I think you should know about it… before it disappears.

It’s called Event Profit Secrets 2.0.

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My first workshop, my first refund, and my first giant payday…

I hosted my first little workshop back in 2005.

I had 28 people attend, and I remember being so nervous, hoping they’d love the content, which at the time was focused on leveraging your business online.

I walked in praying that no one would hate it and ask for a refund. (One woman did. I obliged. And then she asked if she could still come to the party that evening! I said ‘NO’.)

But the other 27 people? They LOVED it.

At the end, they asked what else I had to offer.

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