webinar Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 8 Posts categorized under webinar

Time to “reset” your fees?

Is the value of what you do worth much more than you’re charging?

Perhaps you’ve thought about pressing reset on your fees, but haven’t been sure of the right step to take.

This topic is close to my heart, so I wanted you to know about my longtime client Kendall SummerHawk’s free Money Mindset Masterclass.

You can get instant access now for just the next few days.

Her money teachings are nothing short of incredibly powerful.

Kendall is sharing the exact steps she used for raising her fees and getting her coaching business out of a really stuck place years ago, into being a multi-million dollar business the last 7 years and counting.

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One more chance to hear me and Sassypants…

Just a quick reminder about that audio again…

Since last week’s share regarding Lisa Sasevich’s new ebook, I’ve gotten some questions from many of you on whether teleseminars and webinars still WORK online.

Listen, I know there are much fancier things you can be doing online now that require more time, energy, and money. (And possibly hair and makeup.)

But hear me loud and clear… teleseminars and webinars DO work, and are by far still the easiest and simplest way to get your work online and into profitable courses.

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Eavesdrop on me and Lisa here…

Since last week’s share regarding Lisa Sasevich’s new ebook, I’ve gotten some questions from many of you on whether teleseminars and webinars still WORK online.

Listen, I know there are much fancier things you can be doing online now that require more time, energy, and money. (And possibly hair and makeup.)

But hear me loud and clear… teleseminars and webinars DO work, and are by far still the easiest and simplest way to get your work online and into profitable courses.

They are also great sales tools to build your list, fill seats at events, get clients, etc.

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Are you highly sensitive?

Are you a person who is very spiritual by nature, but you feel like you have to keep that part of you separate from your business success?

Well that’s most likely because you are what my client, Heather Dominick refers to as a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur.

Not sure what that is? Watch Heather’s video to find out… and learn how you can use your HSE talents to support your business success.

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Join us: New Coaching Course starts tomorrow :)

I want 2014 to be the year that YOU attract more clients and make more money. And the good news is, there is still time left to join me for my new course that begins TOMORROW, Wed., Jan 8.

It’s called “90 Day Coaching Profit System: A Proven Plan for Six-to Seven-Figure Success”.

If you are a coach or want to grow a coaching business to incredibly profitable and fulfilling levels, make sure you don’t miss out on this one-time LIVE course with me.

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Our last chance to meet…

As we prepare for next week’s special holiday, I wanted to send one final courtesy reminder that TODAY is your last chance to get a free seat at a special one-day, in-person meeting with me in Arizona this coming April.

It’s a special bonus I’m offering when you register for my new online course, “90 Day Coaching Profit System: A Proven Plan for Six- to Seven-Figure Success”.

But I can ONLY offer the LIVE meeting bonus through midnight tonight. 

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Re. our meeting in Arizona this coming April

Would you like to come meet me in person next April, where I can help you with your business?

During my webinar last week, I debuted a brand new course, “90 Day Coaching Profit System: A Proven Plan for Six- to Seven-Figure Success”, which starts on January 8, 2014. It’s a fantastic value itself with 12 weeks of training on how to develop your coaching business for serious profits.

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“How to Track and Tweak Your Marketing & Sales Results” by Ali Brown

As one of the internet entrepreneurs who started back in the ‘90s, I was fortunate enough to learn early on the importance of monitoring the success of my marketing efforts. Today, I encourage all of my clients to start this practice in their own businesses.
Here’s why it’s a good idea to start tracking your marketing and sales results:

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