The heavy secret I carried for years... - Glambition Radio

The heavy secret I carried for years…

Hello from Newport Beach, CA! I’m here for a few meetings and some time to clear my head before a very busy fall.

I wanted to pop in with an awkward question… 

Have you at times experienced more success than you had imagined?

Even more awkward question: At times… does it feel like even more success than you deserve? 

What a weird concept, right?

But sometimes, for those of us who are natural entrepreneurs and leaders, it can feel that way. 

I know that for me, during the peak of my online business success, I wrestled for years with a heavy secret… 

I quietly felt that while everything was working splendidly, there was a higher level waiting for me personally — one that was going to look much different. (And who was I to think that? The nerve!)

But its call became louder and louder. 

Even if things are rockin’ for you right now, I encourage you to tune in deeply and feel into the idea: Could there be something more or different on the horizon? (It could be adjacent to your current model, or something new altogether.) 

The power is within us, as long as we honor what we feel. Remember at this time, we’re ascending into another level of ourselves, our businesses, our fulfillment and joy, and our impact in the world.

So… do you get it? Our business models were never the real purpose. They simply proved what we could do. Now begins the REAL game. 

Consider… what are the things that don’t just light you up… but could illuminate the whole world around you, and beyond.

This is just one of the main themes we’ll be exploring at my fall event, ICONIC: The Revolution.

On Wednesday + Thursday, November 2+3, 2022, I’m inviting back 60-80 established female entrepreneurial leaders to join me in Phoenix, AZ for a powerful two days to create… our own revolution.

>>> Even if you’re just curious about it, I suggest you sign up for our ICONIC priority notification list here. 

We are getting close to opening for applications, but ONLY to those on the priority list.

This way, you’ll be first to receive full details and know when registration officially opens, and you can decide if this is a perfect fit for where you’re being called.

Here’s that link again.


PS — Have you been able to catch that podcast I posted last week for you? It’s a solo show called ‘The New Revolution’, and it’s a great insight to where we need to focus right now as female leaders. It’s also a great preview to ICONIC, if you’d like to get more of a feel for how we roll. Listen to that episode of my Glambition® Radio podcast here.

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