Have you heard this yet? - Glambition Radio

Have you heard this yet?

It’s been great to hear all the feedback on my latest episode of Glambition® Radio, titled ‘It’s Time for the Revolution’. Here are just a few of the comments we’ve received on IG regarding the show and this powerful message…

Have you been able to listen to it yet? If not, this coming weekend may be a great time to do so.

This year, as I brought back my annual ICONIC event, I felt strongly called to give it the theme of revolution. And I explain why on this episode.

In the midst of all the world’s current madness… the chaos… the nonsensical happenings… the upending of most all we knew… there are actually opportunities so immense (both business + personal) that are hard to fathom by most ‘normal’ folks.

But… this all requires first seeing through the mess, focusing on what we CAN control, and then taking charge of where we know things should go. (It’s often the ‘action’ part where we hesitate, don’t we?)

On the show, I walk you through the 5 KEY areas to help you create your own ICONIC revolution, as well as a few tips on how to see our current chaotic times in a different light. (This part should bring you some peace — it surely has for me.) 

AND… a big reminder…

There’s no better way to dig in deep on all this than gathering IN PERSON with other purpose-driven women entrepreneurs, behind closed doors, at a very special workshop.

On Wednesday + Thursday, November 2+3, 2022, I’m inviting back 60-80 established female entrepreneurial leaders to join me in Phoenix, AZ for a powerful two days to create… the new revolution.

>>> Even if you’re just curious about it, I suggest you sign up for our ICONIC priority notification list here. This way, you’ll be first to receive full details and know when registration officially opens within the next week.


PS — Would you please SHARE this show with another female leader whom you know who’s looking for something different? We’d like more women entrepreneurs to know about the intelligent conversations we’re having on this show as well as at events like ICONIC. 🙂

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