My friend and client, Kendall SummerHawk, is a pioneer on the topic of women and money, and she’s done something I think is brilliant. She’s taken her years of experience on the topic of packaging & pricing your services and created what I consider to be by far the most powerful success training on this topic ever.
It’s all organized into a simple, step by step online video training that you can access instantly once you register, but here’s the kicker…
This online course with Kendall is only available until this Saturday, March 12.
This is for you if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with how to take all the brilliant pieces you love to deliver and organize them into clear, compelling packages (believe me, this is an issue I’ve seen woman at all levels of business success struggle with).
And this is for you if you’re putting a lot of energy into figuring out what to charge, only to end up second-guessing yourself.
Doesn’t this sound like exactly what you’ve been wanting to solve?
If you’re in a service business, I consider learning how to quickly and easily package & price your services life changing for you and for your business.
Kendall is one of the best coaches I’ve ever seen and she’ll show you in simple, easy-to-implement steps exactly how to get this crucial part of your business handled, freeing your time and your energy.
I invite you to join her for this online training. The investment in this exceptional program is so reasonable that it will easily pay for itself with just one client. Once you register you get instant access to everything: the training videos + beautiful, downloadable workbook.
Remember, the opportunity to get Kendall’s online training on how to package & price your services disappears after this Saturday, March 12.
Get started creating your new best-selling package & pricing by clicking here.
Love and success,