Why I’m on ‘Team Ye’… - Glambition Radio

Why I’m on ‘Team Ye’…

One thing I love to do at my workshops is pull in pop culture examples of business and success principles.

For example, I have a love/hate thing with Kanye West.

I don’t keep up with much self-inflated celeb nonsense these days, but he’s one that can draw me back in, if I’m paying attention. 

Because – love him or hate him – his creative genius is… OFF. THE. CHARTS. 

I don’t really enjoy Kanye’s music. I don’t agree with many things he typically says or does. And of course, let’s not forget he can be a pompous ass. 

But I REALLY admire how excited and obsessed Yeezy gets with his creative ideas

He has revealed that he often gets so excited about new ideas, song lyrics, or concepts in the middle of the night that he can’t wait to share them with his friends. He calls them repeatedly and sends them dozens of texts at odd times like 2am. It drives them crazy.

But I actually get that part…  being so excited that you can’t NOT share that new brain synapse at that very moment

When something new + creative emanates or ‘clicks’ in your head, and that burst of pure endorphins explodes, you want to share it with someone… now! And it excites you so much it can keep you up at night. Or even many nights in a row.

Ye’s friends say he’s crazy

They are right.

People who ‘receive’ immense ideas—incredibly powerful ‘downloads’ from source—and the undeniable urge to act on them immediately, no matter their grandeur, are not… normal.

They are often seen as crazy.

But if that’s crazy, then call me maybe.

The question is though: When is the last time YOU really felt like that? 

Excited, bursting, creative, crazy, entrepreneurial genius? 

Let me show you. Because it’s time for that electric feeling of possibility again… and I have something guaranteed to work for you, if you can join us. 


The Creative Strategy Workshop is a closed-door event for brilliant entrepreneurs happening April 6+7 here in Phoenix, AZ.

At this intimate, live event with only 50 SEATS available, we’ll collectively rediscover our ability to create amazing, fun, and profitable ideas… at will. 

Even if you’re just curious: Have a look here and apply to join us

And Happy Valentine’s Day!


Ali Brown Signature

PS — And if this workshop isn’t for you right now, would you do me a favor and forward this email to a friend whom you know is looking for something much different? I’d appreciate it 🙂

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