You’re not here just to coast along... - Glambition Radio

You’re not here just to coast along…

Don’t get me wrong… there are times for contraction, consideration, and taking things at a slower pace.

But lately, there’s a sense of urgency in the air, and I wonder if you feel it too.

It’s not related to speed, but instead unapologetically doing things very differently than those around you.

Perhaps you’ve already heeded this nudge. Or maybe you’ve been in a holding pattern, waiting for a sign to completely reinvent your world.

For some, that sign has been dramatic market shifts. For others, a major life event. And for many, the current chaos in the world.

In any case, I’m here to tell you this:

It’s time to step FULLY into your power and claim your unique path… no matter what that looks like. Because the world needs you.

To land there the fastest, easiest way? Surround yourself in person with dozens of other renegades and revolutionaries.

Because something happens when so much power and creativity shares a space: a magic that you won’t experience anywhere else.

It’s an instant recalibration of your energy and possibility that’s hard to explain unless you’ve been there.

Coming up in early June, we’ll be opening the doors for applications to my fall event ICONIC 2021: Liberation, happening November 3+4, 2021 here in Phoenix.

If you haven’t already, get on our Priority Notification List here. You’ll be first to get full details and have the opportunity to apply, which is important as we’ve SOLD OUT from this list alone in past years.

This is your sign that you’re ready for more.


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