I’m working with a fantastic new client who is offering some powerful training in getting more clients and sales. Kendrick Shope is expanding the doors to her signature offering, Sales School—a six week, online school that will have you making more money in your business in no time flat. Every year, Sales School has sold out because of the results Kendrick helps her students achieve.
After 10 years as a top performing pharma sales representative for 3 Fortune 500 companies, she started her own business. For the past four years, she’s been focused on helping women make more money, reach more clients, and impact your customers’ lives through selling.
If you’re looking for more customers, more money, and to make a bigger impact on your clients, Sales School is for you.
As a graduate of Sales School, you’ll:
* Write copy infused with selling so customers are engaged and happy to buy from you.
* Master sales conversations, consults, and selling through email.
* Create a system to follow up with leads, which is proven to increase your sales up to 50%.
* Gain access to hundreds of done-for-you resources and follow ups.
* Understand selling as a skill set and how to make more money for your business.
Love and success,