Ask Ali: "How Can I Combine My Mission With Making Money?" - Glambition Radio

Ask Ali: "How Can I Combine My Mission With Making Money?"

Question: “Ali, I’ve had a child safety biz for the last 10 years. I’d like to start educating families about safety, predators, etc. How do I go about finding an outlet for this and still make money?”
—Melissa Wilhelm, National Emergency ID, Spring Grove, Ill.
Ali’s answer: “Hi Melissa, thanks for writing! Sounds like you have the perfect match. Your mission aligns with your website and products, which are focused on safety and emergencies. So your outreach to families can create interest in your website. To get your message out in a big way and a profitable way, cover your BIG 3: WEB, MEDIA, AND SPEAKING.
1. WEB: First of all, I don’t see an opt-in offer on your site. You need some type of free report or video that shows moms the 5 best ways to protect their kids from predators, or a similar hot topic. Require that visitors opt-in (sign up) in order to receive the gift. Then publish a weekly ezine, or email newsletter with helpful tips that make them want to stay on your list. This way you build your list and have a database to communicate with about product specials, helpful hints, new offerings, and more. This list will be your biggest asset going forward, so that’s why I want you to do this first!
Next, reach out to your target market online. I assume they are moms? They’re usually who are in charge of these types of family precautions. You should be active on Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media sites, blogs, or communities where your target market can be found. Offer to write a regular column on child safety for mom’s websites and online publications. Remember your goal for all these efforts is to get these peeps to sign up for your list, so always be driving people back to your free report or video!
Then, you have to make it easy for people to find you. I did a quick search for “child safety products” and your site was nowhere to be seen. Figure out what terms are searched for and match your site to include them. For example, these terms all receive over 100,000 searches a month online: kids safety, child safety, and safety for kids. So you should optimize your site so that your website comes up organically for searches for these terms and also consider buying Google PPC (pay-per-click) ads so you are guaranteed to show up on top. (I see your title tag on your website simply says “National Emergency ID”—this isn’t helping you search-wise because you want to be found for the popular keyword searches above. So consider a title tag like “National Emergency ID: Child Safety and Kids Safety Products, Safety for Kids, Family Emergency Preparedness Products”—you get the idea. Do some research with a tool like
2. MEDIA: Your topic is perfect for morning shows, family shows, radio, and more. For example, with fall coming up, start pitching a “back to school safety” segment to local TV station producers. Tip: Shows love visuals, so you could bring product samples on set and do a few demos. I’d also test being listed in the Radio-TV Interview Report at and see if you get response. Sometimes you’ll get more internet radio shows than “real” radio shows contacting you, but do all that gets you in front of your target market and especially if you need more experience. Put yourself out there as the expert, give good stats and information, and always lead people to your website for more information, products, and resources—and especially mention your new report/video they can get free at your website. For help pitching yourself and DIY PR, check out my friend Eli Davidson at
3. SPEAKING: Offer to speak to schools, churches, networking groups, and women’s groups about child and family safety. Create a simple 45-minute talk that basically includes an introduction emphasizing the problem, three main points with a statistic and a success story for each, and a close that leads them to your solution. Invite them to sign up for your free report or video on the spot. Or do a drawing for a popular item from your site, such as your fingerprint kit. Require them to drop a business card or fill out a form, and mention that anyone entering the drawing will also receive a complimentary subscription to your ezine and your free report or video (this way they are added to the list!)
The great news is this won’t be hard—your message, mission, and moneymaking products are all in line. But now it’s time for you to take it to the next level! I hope these ideas get you started. Some additional resources that you may find helpful: my Ezine Marketing Power course, my List Building System course, my Simply Irresistible speaking course.”
Love and success,

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