Ali Brown, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 23 of 71

Displaying 703 Posts written by Ali Brown

Are you ready to launch your coaching program?

I’d like to introduce you to a woman named Milana Leshinsky. She’s an entrepreneur, a coach, a mother, and a wife, and I think her story will resonate with many of you…

When Milana was getting started, she was struggling to get her coaching business off the ground… She had a tiny list, no connections, and NO affiliate partners.

Her husband advised her to lower her rates, but it only attracted “nightmare” clients.

Her colleagues told her to offer free consults—but her time was limited, and as she confesses, she didn’t love it.

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“5 Tweet Formulas to Engage Your Clients and Customers” by Ali Brown

Every day, Twitter is abuzz with clever comments from the likes of everyone from Rihanna to Martha Stewart to Seth Godin. It’s an equal playing field where people are free to share and discuss any topic under the sun. And, with 140 million users, it’s a great way for entrepreneurs to get known and connect with potential customers.

But, many business owners fall into the trap of using Twitter as a soapbox, rather than a tool for conversation. Below are five Tweet formulas to try that will engage your clients and customers.

Tweet Formula #1: Ask a question

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Learn how to create profitable online videos and podcasts…

Whether you already create online videos, web shows, or podcasts—or dream of starting one, there’s one standout resource I recommend. It’s my friend David Garland, creator of the popular web TV show, “The Rise to the Top”.

(Some of you might remember David if you came to my 2011 SHINE event in Dallas—he was our emcee. He’s also interviewed me for his own web show, which is always a ton of fun.)

Because many of my readers and clients are interested in creating their own shows like this, I wanted you to know that David is hosting a valuable online event for anyone who creates, or wants to create income from web shows, podcasts, and online videos.

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Today’s the LAST Day of my Thrive LiveCast.. Come join us!

TODAY is DAY 2—and the final day of my Thrive LiveCast! In just a few hours, you can join my colleagues and I live for impactful training that will help you map out how YOU can get to YOUR next level of success. (And we’re going to have a TON of fun, too!) It all starts TODAY at 5pm ET (NY)/2pm PT.

Save your free spot for the LiveCast here now.

You may want to make sure you get there a few minutes early, to make sure you get a spot.

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Join me for a FREE 2-day LiveCast, online– THURSDAY & FRIDAY!

Join me for a FREE 2-day LiveCast, happening thisTHURSDAY & FRIDAY, September 13 & 14, 2012. Get all the details and save your free spot here.
Over the course of 12 content-rich hours, my colleagues and I will deliver some impactful training that will help you map out how to get to YOUR next level of success. (And we’re going to have a TON of fun, too! I’ll be LIVE on your computer, and who knows what could happen…)
When you join us for this LiveCast, you’ll gain:

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The gates are open to THRIVE…

Over the past few days, you’ve heard me talk a lot about the powerful possibilities for women—especially those who dare to dream of THRIVING as entrepreneurs, living full lives.

I bet you’re one of them.

But there’s something that will undoubtedly separate those who simply dream, from those who decide to cross over and truly step up. And if you’re ready to join this new wave of successful entrepreneurs, then YOUR time is now.

The gates are officially open for my new THRIVE program. And you can get the full scoop in the final video of my new series.

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Do you feel guilty for wanting more?

I hope you’re enjoying your weekend and transitioning smoothly into fall—especially for those of you with kids finally back in school!

I receive many questions from my Spotlight readers, and it’s interesting that when I hear from women ready to “make a leap”, there’s often an element of guilt that accompanies it!

Even if that leap is for her highest good, and she knows it will dramatically benefit her family and causes she cares about.

Maybe it’s because we grow up being taught to be happy with what we have… to not ask for much or bug anyone or make a fuss.

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“The Disappearance of the ‘Middle Class’, and What It Means to Small Business Owners” by Ali Brown

Right now in the U.S., we’re in the midst of heated debates between the candidates of our outdated dual-party system. I really can’t bear to watch any of it… makes my stomach turn. Seems no one is addressing the real issues anymore.
But, one observation we’re hearing a lot about lately that I can’t ignore is that the middle class, as we’ve known it, is disappearing.
And I’d agree, it’s sure looking that way.
I’m not here to get political by any means. (I’m not aligned with any particular party, by the way, in case you’re curious.)
But I do think it’s important to step back and look at what’s happening, so you can be prepared if needed.

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1 idea –> 12+ revenue streams? Yep.

You’re hearing a lot of talk about this “big world of opportunity” available to entrepreneurs everywhere, and especially for women.
It’s one of the topics I focused on in the first video of my new THRIVE video series.
But the truth is… very few mentors are diving in deeper and telling you what’s REALLY important for growing a moneymaking business you love.
I’m still seeing too many business owners “running on the hamster wheel”, and not tapping into a few simple and proven systems that can help them make dramatic profits and live an extraordinary life.

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