Ali Brown, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 9 of 71

Displaying 703 Posts written by Ali Brown

Join me and Ivanka Trump in 2016…

If you’ve been following my focus on helping more women LEAD, you’re witnessing the wonderful opportunities I’m coming into as a result.

And my biggest joy is being able to share them with you.

Here is one growth experience coming up soon that you can participate in from anywhere in the world, and I haven’t seen anything quite like it.

The Gaia Project for Women’s Leadership is dedicated to helping women rise to become the leaders they are meant to be, and it is launching a Six Month Masterclass starting in January that promises to change the conversation on women’s leadership forever.

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I took this course, and so should you…

Right now, everyone and their mother has a “free training” to offer you, but I want to grab your attention for a minute by sharing a free training that is simply AMAZING.

It was truly life changing FOR ME.

And it will be for YOU too.

It’s led by women’s transformation leader Claire Zammit, Ph.D.c., and when I anonymously dialed in just a few years ago to listen to what she had to say (before I even knew who Claire was), I was blown away.

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“Elitist? Feminist? Success-ist? Or Just an Alpha-Female?”

After being scrutinized for creating a by-application-only, selective dating app for successful women and men called “The League”, CEO Amanda Bradford is finally responding to her critics and haters who have labeled her as an “elitist”. 

In her words she describes what had been happening since the product’s inception: “I told myself I was just obeying wise adages: ‘ignore the critics’, ‘focus on your users and your product’, and ‘no press is bad press’, but by refusing to respond, I essentially let the media go on to corrupt our concept into one so superficial and optimized for clickbait that it’s nearly unrecognizable to me now.”

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I’m coming to the UK!

Are you in the UK or would like to come visit me there?

I’m thrilled to announce that the renowned organization Damsels in Success is bringing me over the pond to keynote their annual IGNITE! conference, November 14 & 15, 2015, in Birmingham, England.

This is coming up in just a few weeks, so I wanted to let you know as soon as possible. Also, you can grab an early bird discount here—but only through the next few days.

The Damsels are an inspiring community, dedicated to help professional women support each other, create successful careers and businesses, and focus on self-care versus sacrifice.

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Jennifer Lawrence Pens Essay on Hollywood Sexism… and Why at First I Didn’t Care”

I have to admit when I have seen titles on “Hollywood Sexism” in the past I have responded with a slight eye roll and complete non-interest in reading about super-rich stars complaining they are making less than other super-rich co-stars, etc. (Yes, it’s not fair, but c’mon… you still made $20 million for a movie.) BUT…

…once I read Jennifer Lawrence’s new post, I realized she isn’t blaming the industry. She is blaming herself and taking responsibility in the future for asking for what she is worth in the market. She knows she needs to become a better businesswoman.

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“Should You Really Share That Bold New Idea With Your Team… Yet?"

During a coaching session with a client the other day, it hit me that I was starting to see a pattern with several of these high-end entrepreneurs.

When we would talk, or especially when we’d meet together in person, they would leave with clarity about changes they needed to make in their business. What to let go of, what to start doing new, what would be their next BIG move.

They would leave in a state of immense joy and often a sense of relief. A ray of light would be shining down on their heads from above.

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Fall Leadership Workshop – 14 spots available

Are you:

* Being called to a higher level of leadership and purpose in who you are and what you do?

* Feeling a bit bored and/or restless within your current business model versus your potential?

* Looking to rise above the online noise and clutter in a non-competitive way?

* Open to success models beyond the “massive action” methods that are still being taught right now?

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Meet me, Chelsea Clinton, Deepak Chopra, and more…

Once in awhile comes an event you are just in awe of.

The SHE Summit is one of them.

And I’m hugely honored to be asked to speak there.

On October 6 & 7 I will be on stage in New York City with leaders such as Chelsea Clinton, Deepak Chopra, Sallie Krawcheck, Jessica Herrin, Shiza Shahid, and several other powerhouse women and men gathering in the name of advancing women around the world.

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The ONE number you should focus on most…

No doubt business revenues are important… and a number you can be proud of. Revenue levels announce to the world your success, and often lead to invitations to certain business opportunities and networks as well.

BUT… I invite you to shift your focus away from the bragging rights and toward ONE number that makes sense for most of us who work for ourselves: how much income your business provides for yourself and your family.

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