With all the negativity and polarization out there right now, it’s easy to look around and think, UGH… it’s all too aggravating, too hard, too much – whether we’re talking your business, the world, you name it.
I will admit there are some days I want to hide under the duvet myself. Until I remember WE are very much needed right now.
And it’s exactly why I’ve encouraged Heather to share her powerful tools for those of us deemed “highly sensitives” on a special free webinar on Wednesday, January 11.
Heather will lead you through:
– what to do when you feel overwhelmed so it doesn’t stop you in your tracks
– what you need to prioritize during your business day (so it feels good, gets done and generates income)
– who you need to speak to in order to attract your ideal clients (and how it doesn’t need to feel all intimidating)
She’ll be teaching this class on Wednesday, January 11 – Just reserve your seat here now.
Heather says that for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs it can be tempting, when it all feels too much, to shut down, contract and try to protect yourself at all costs. (OR… we go into chaotic, panic, roadrunner mode and surrender our power to others. Sound familiar?)
When what’s actually happening is you are receiving a call to OPEN UP, not give up.
It’s an opportunity to consider the possibility that there IS another way.
That’s exactly what she’ll be sharing on this LIVE free webinar class.
This New Year of 2017 is calling for Business Miracles.
And it’s calling for you.
Love and success,

P.S. Oh, and Heather will be opening up the line for LIVE Q&A at the end of the class as well. So be sure to get your seat here.