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Displaying 123 Posts categorized under entrepreneur mentor

“6 BOLD Ways to Start Breaking Away From The Pack—PART 2” by Ali Brown

I was thrilled to see so many great comments and support for Part 1 of this article, which you can read here. (If you didn’t read that yet, I would start there.)

A quick synopsis…

When I learned to position myself correctly, I didn’t have to shout.

And you don’t have to either. Even in the midst of all the online madness.

The noise. The ads. The videos. The copying. The sensationalism.

You can still be BOLD without having to beat your chest!

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Our meeting on May 12 & 13…

I’m thrilled to share my intimate Repower Workshop is nearly full, and just a few seats remain.

Is one being held for YOU?


If you’re done focusing on launches and instead want to focus on LEADERSHIP

If you’ve mastered the marketing and are ready to look for more MEANING

If you’ve reached six-figures or seven, and want continued growth without just doing MORE

If you’re done with “massive action” and ready for thoughtful REINVENTION

Then THIS is the retreat for YOU.

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Time for a "sharp right turn"?

I’m so excited my Repower Workshop is filling up steadily, and with the RIGHT people for this intimate retreat!

We have women registered leading businesses and missions ranging from the high-six-figures into the multiple millions.

And here’s some exciting news: My good friend Kara Goldin, founder and CEO of HINT Water, will be joining us on Day 1 for an intimate discussion on her journey to success, and taking the occasional “sharp right turn”.

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Do you launch or do you LEAD?

This is a special invitation for LEADERS… not just “launchers”.

If you’ve mastered the marketing, and you know your business model, and you feel you’re doing pretty well, then pay attention.

Because a very small event is coming up fast that has a very big purpose.

I’m bringing together entrepreneurs who have built high-six to multiple seven-figure businesses and women with purposeful missions that are changing the world.

And it’s happening in just 5 WEEKS here in Scottsdale, Arizona, on May 12 & 13.

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“6 BOLD Ways to Start Breaking Away From The Pack” by Ali Brown

When Brett and I were looking at homes here in Scottsdale, Arizona (well, I was waddling around six-months pregnant with my twins), we fell in love with one in particular.

It was the exact style I loved—kind of a Mediterranean-Southwest mix—one level, on nearly two private acres (which, after city living for so long, seemed huge to us), with a beautiful pool and yard for the children. And there was a casita in the back for my mom to come join us. All the boxes were checked!

We pulled up into the circular driveway, walked in the front door, and entered the grand rotunda foyer to speak with the realtor.

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Time to ditch the "formula"?

One thing I’m really enjoying right now is cooking. (Yes, I know that may surprise you. I was the queen of takeout in my single days.)
But working with food takes me out of my “business mind” and puts me in my feminine and creative mind. And into family mode.
However, I will admit… I am not a great cook.
I rely solely on recipes to get by!
If you find a good recipe and follow it exactly, you have the best chance of getting a great result.

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Do you lead? Or follow?

It’s time for a new conversation.

I’ve been talking with several of my clients—past and present—who are in the revenue ranges of high-6 to multiple-7 figures.

They agreed there are plenty of events out there for beginners and those in the low-six-figures, but few to no events for real leaders who are excelling, have been in business for years, and really know what they are doing.

And I knew it was time to put on a special workshop I’d been contemplating.

An intimate event ONLY for high-6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs.

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“Rumors, Lies, and Industry Goodbyes…”

Something VERY interesting happened last week, and I wanted to share it here because I think it will resonate with many of you. 

(Not all of you, but many.)

A few days ago, I got an email from a colleague asking if everything was OK.

When I asked for clarification, she shared, “I heard you let your entire team go… I was concerned your business was failing. Are you OK? How about your family?”

I was speechless.

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Do you know Alan Weiss?

If you do consulting in your business or are curious about getting into consulting as a business, I highly recommend you take a look at a special live event coming up this spring hosted by my colleague Alan Weiss.

Alan has been known as THE consultant to consultants since his groundbreaking book written decades ago, Million Dollar Consulting. For years, I’ve recommended his books to my clients who have wanted to add consulting to their businesses as an income stream.

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Linda Rottenberg, CEO and Co-Founder of Endeavor, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Listen here now:


Linda Rottenberg—if you don’t know the name, you’re about to meet a woman who has changed the global entrepreneurial mentoring model for serious businesses that are scaling up. And she did this after everyone (of course) told her she was crazy. (Which led to her nickname “la chica loca”.)

Time magazine called her one of the 100 Innovators for the 21st Century, US News & World Report named her one of America’s Best Leaders, and her new book Crazy Is a Compliment: The Power of Zigging When Everyone Else Zags is a New York Times bestseller.

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