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Displaying 123 Posts categorized under entrepreneur mentor

“My #1 Secret to Productivity: Batching” by Ali Brown

One of the most exciting parts of starting and growing a business for most of us is the freedom that comes with being an entrepreneur. No one else dictating our schedule, how we work, or even what we’re working on. I remember those first days after I walked out of my last real job in NYC, practically singing “Born Free”!

But then the following week, I was humming a different tune… something like “Freak Out”… I realized I had jumped from a predictable pool into a vast ocean of freedom, and I had no idea how to structure my time.

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Now THAT's what I'm talking about…

As you’ve been witnessing, what “success” means to me has changed a lot in the past few years.

I like to describe it as finally finding my “business bliss.” And the more women I talk to, the more I realize this is really our ongoing goal.

Yes, we want to make more money and have a successful venture. And it’s fun to have accolades and build something powerful. But it’s the vehicle to our bliss. 

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Katrina Lake, Stitch Fix Founder & CEO, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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Imagine that you have a magic fashion fairy who sends you a mysterious box in the mail. You open it, and there are five items of clothing specifically chosen for you: your perfect cut, your favorite colors, your best styles, and it all fits like a charm. Well, your magic fashion fairy is here. It’s called Stitch Fix, and its creator is Katrina Lake. She’s reinventing the way we shop for fashion online, and tells her story on this episode of Glambition Radio.
I received my first Stitch Fix just a few weeks ago, and I tell you I was skeptical as I opened the box.

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“Is Your Time Worth What You Think It Is?” by Ali Brown

Time is the most important asset you have—and unlike money, once you’ve spent it, you can’t earn any more. That’s why it’s so important to make the most of your 24 hours, especially as a business owner.

So, how can you become more productive and profitable, without working insane hours and sacrificing your personal life? Read on for a few steps on how to start managing your time like a successful entrepreneur…

STEP 1: Discover how much your time is worth

The first step to maximizing your time is to understand what yours is really worth.

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My latest 3 juicy episodes…

Glambition™ Radio is still listed as “What’s Hot” in the iTunes Business Category, and I couldn’t be happier! I’m so glad you’re all enjoying the show. (See some of our great feedback below.)

If you haven’t caught up with Glambition Radio yet, here’s a sneak peek at our three most recent episodes that you can listen to now or download for free: 

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JJ Ramberg, Host of MSNBC’s “Your Business”, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

JJ Ramberg is the host of MSNBC’s “Your Business”, the only TV show dedicated to issues affecting small business owners. She’s also the author of the recent bestseller It’s Your Business: 183 Essential Tips that Will Transform Your Small Business.

And, she’s a passionate entrepreneur. You’ll hear all about the company she co-founded with her brother, on this episode of Glambition Radio.

JJ comes from a long line of successful entrepreneurs. Both of her grandfathers, her mom, her dad, and her brother are all entrepreneurs! I love the story she tells about her mother… a stay-at-home mom with no business experience, who launched her first company when she was in her late 40’s.

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“Why You Should Not Wait for a Clear Vision Before You Move Forward” by Ali Brown

Whenever I’m speaking to entrepreneurs—whether it’s around the country or around the world—I’m always asked to share my now famous “ATM Story”. It’s one I kept close to the vest for years, because I was too embarrassed to reveal it. But today, I know it’s important to share. And why.

You see, we always look at successful people and think their rise to the top must have happened overnight. They must have had the big vision, the perfect plan, and lined-up circumstances. But that is NEVER the truth!

I quit my last job in 1999 and launched my first little venture offering business-writing services in New York City.

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Taryn Rose, Orthopedic Surgeon & Shoe Designer, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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Taryn Rose created one of today’s most successful and highly coveted brands in footwear. An orthopedic surgeon turned shoe designer, her story takes us behind the scenes for a realistic look at what it really takes to be a successful entrepreneur. And she’s all ours on today’s new Glambition Radio episode.
Taryn’s from Vietnam, and at just 7-years-old, she fled the country with her family to escape the war. Her dad became a successful doctor in America, and Taryn followed in his footsteps. (You’ll hear the whole story.)
As an orthopedic surgeon, she witnessed the serious foot problems women were having caused by fashionable footwear.

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Tania Gabrielle, Astro-Numerologist, this week on Glambition™ Radio

Have the last few months been a DOOZY? Join the club… there is some serious sh*t going on in the planets that’s likely making you feel some intensity. (Or a lot. Like bursting into tears? Feeling suddenly like you want to change careers or your entire business? Ohhhh I hear you.)

And the BEST person I know who can help us understand exactly what’s going on right now is my friend and astro-numerologist, Tania Gabrielle.

Today on Glambition Radio, hear how YOU can not only navigate through these powerful energetic shifts, but come out the other side in your most POWERFUL place yet

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Revelation replay is ON…

Happy Mother’s Day ladies!

This is my first, so it’s a very special and spiritual day for me. I’m feeling so much love, appreciation, and gratitude. 

The outpouring of support following last Thursday’s teleseminar, “Revelation! 3 Keys to Honoring Your Highest Calling”, has brought me to tears several times already.

Thousands of women from all over the world listened live to my free call. If you missed it, you can access the replay here now.

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