Have the last few months been a DOOZY? Join the club… there is some serious sh*t going on in the planets that’s likely making you feel some intensity. (Or a lot. Like bursting into tears? Feeling suddenly like you want to change careers or your entire business? Ohhhh I hear you.)
And the BEST person I know who can help us understand exactly what’s going on right now is my friend and astro-numerologist, Tania Gabrielle.
Today on Glambition Radio, hear how YOU can not only navigate through these powerful energetic shifts, but come out the other side in your most POWERFUL place yet.Tania says that pressure you’ve felt since April to move through certain obstacles in your life… to make a shift… to transform… to awaken—is expected right now! We’re all going through it to some degree. (That’s a relief, right!).
I’ll let her explain WHY this is happening, and what you can be doing to make the most of this profound opportunity for change and transition. (She’s also a gifted numerologist who will give you goose bumps when she talks about what different numbers mean and why. Fascinating!)
Tania is renowned for her ability to interpret the meaning and hidden messages in current events, and has been featured in USA Today, The New York Times, US Magazine and more.
This week’s Glambition Radio episode is loaded with Tania’s inspiring advice and wisdom. We talked about SO MUCH, that I can’t possibly get to it all here. So you definitely don’t want to miss this one. Listen to this episode of Glambition Radio on iTunes now (or download for later).Love and success,

P.S. We need your review!! Our show has had over 70,000 downloads, but it seems few take a minute to write a review. If you enjoy what we shared in this episode, please leave a review and a comment on iTunes. I would really appreciate it. Thanks! 🙂