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Displaying 123 Posts categorized under entrepreneur mentor

Tomorrow: Go big? Or go home? (I chose home…)

As I was growing my business, I heard from more than one mentor things like “Go BIG or go home.” Hmmm.

It kind of made me feel like my life wouldn’t even matter unless I did what seemed like BIG things. So I pushed and I pushed.

And, I went BIG. I did some great things. But I got so caught up in the BIGNESS, that eventually I realized this wasn’t the dream I originally had.

I was exhausted. So then, I decided to “go home”. By home what I mean is my Truth.

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Kari Warberg Block, CEO of Earth-Kind, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Question: If a mouse ran up your leg while you were helping the farmer you were dating to pull-start a truck (stay with me here…) you would:

A. Scream… and run away from said truck
B. Scream… and run away from said date
C. Scream… and run away from truck and date while noting an idea for a multimillion dollar business

Well, my friend Kari Warberg Block’s run-in with that rodent helped her launch a $40 million dollar company. So her answer was “C”.

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How I made babies…

OK I’m sure you know “how” my twins happened. (If not, go ask anyone and they can likely explain to you.)

But what you may not realize is how long I waited for the right relationship in my life. I didn’t meet Brett until I was nearly 42.

And apparently these little souls couldn’t wait to get down here to grow and play with us. They appeared on our radar within a few months after our meeting, and were born last May as big, healthy, full-term twins. (I can’t believe Jordie and Maddie will be one year old soon!)

People are saying to me, “It’s amazing how much you’ve shifted because of the babies.

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“Something is VERY wrong…”

“Something is VERY wrong…”

That’s the thought I had in early 2010, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I’d built a wildly successful business, I was making great money, I was living in a big house at the beach, I’d won several national awards, and I was reaching most all my goals.

I was building, building, building with all this masculine energy.

“Bigger, faster, now, more, world domination” kind of stuff.

My choice. It’s what I thought I wanted. And needed. 

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Melissa Lanz, Founder of The Fresh 20, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

“Is this my need to succeed, or am I working toward happiness? Which is my ultimate success?” ~ Melissa Lanz

That’s my favorite quote from my Glambition Radio interview with the founder of The Fresh 20, Melissa Lanz (who is also a coaching client of mine)!

The Fresh 20 is a meal planning guide for busy and budget-conscious cooks. For $5 a month (10 percent goes to charities), subscribers get a weekly grocery list of 20 fresh ingredients to make five meals.

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Spiritual Crisis, Branding, and a Tall Poppy…

Glambition™ Radio just wrapped its 20th episode, and I’m so happy you’re all enjoying the show! There’s truly nothing like it. (See some of our great feedback below.)

And iTunes agrees, listing us in “What’s Hot” in their Business Category. 

If you haven’t caught up with us yet, here’s a sneak peek at three of our most popular recent episodes that you can listen to or download right now for free: 

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Colleen DeBaise of The Story Exchange, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Colleen DeBaise is changing the way entrepreneurial women are viewed in the media. A prominent journalist in the small business space, writing and editing for the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Entrepreneur, and BusinessWeek, she’s also been interviewed on MSNBC, CNBC and NPR. And she’s author of the Wall Street Journal Complete Small Business Guidebook.

But what caught my eye is her latest gig as the director of digital media at The Story Exchange, a nonprofit media organization that is devoted to sharing the stories of women business owners.

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Spring Sale—Save 40% off ALL products!

Mark your calendars… I’ve decided to host a SPRING SALE—and it starts tomorrow, Wednesday April 16.

For 48 hours only, you can SAVE 40% off ANY of my award-winning products for business and personal success. If you haven’t shopped my Success Store before, it’s chock-full of helpful resources to help grow your business and transform your life.

Here’s a sampling of the 13 products and courses you’ll find on sale tomorrow:

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Baeth Davis, Life Purpose Guide, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Got a spiritual crisis? No problem. Baeth Davis has been there, done that… and I’m honored she’s sharing her story with us on this week’s episode of Glambition Radio.

Baeth is the creator of YourPurpose.com, which is devoted to helping people discover their life purpose, and get paid for their passion.

In her late 20’s, Baeth suffered a spiritual crisis that led to thoughts of suicide. But that crisis also led to a spiritual awakening. Exactly what that awakening was… and the journey that followed… is a story you won’t soon forget.

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"How to Handle Debt As You Grow Your Business” by Ali Brown

One of the most daunting four-letter words for entrepreneurs—particularly  women entrepreneurs—is the word D-E-B-T.
Most of us have had debt, or are in it right now and desperately trying to get out of it. We want to grow our businesses, but we cower under “tough love” financial advice from advisors like Suze Orman.
I love Suze’s advice on investing, and I’ve had the pleasure of speaking on stage with her. But she got my goat when she recommended that aspiring entrepreneurs should build impeccable credit first, and save TWELVE months of operating expenses… BEFORE starting a business at all!

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