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Displaying 7 Posts categorized under free business advice


This is a final courtesy reminder, that I will be sharing some of my best time and productivity secrets on a FREE CALL TODAY. 🙂

During this one-time teleseminar, you’ll discover:

* My 3 BEST productivity secrets—that still work even if you are managing a family along with your business.

* How to determine what your time is actually worth $$$. (It’s a simple process, but it will open your eyes instantly.)

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Manage time and energy to make more money…

“I’m exhausted, but I don’t know what I did today…”

“It’s 5pm and I still have hours of work to do…”

“I haven’t taken care of myself in months…”

“I’m not getting the important things done…”

Does this sound familiar?

Managing your TIME right leads to you making more MONEY.

So I’ve decided to share some of my best time and productivity tips on a special FREE CALL happening next Monday, October 6.

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Overtired and overwhelmed? Read this…

After I had my twins last year, my time and energy were spread more thinly than ever. There were a few days this past year that I hit rock bottom, wondering if I could ever get my productivity mojo back!

Well, as those of you who are moms know, there is a “new normal” you move into. It won’t ever be exactly the same. But you know you just HAVE to keep working with purpose too.

My “New Feminine Formula” was the answer, and I know it can help you too.

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Exhausted? Read this…

In our quest for “success”, exhaustion has nearly become a status symbol. And it has to stop. Because it’s literally killing us—our bodies and our joy.

With today’s lifestyles, and especially for those of us who have a business or focused career, and add on a family to that… women are feeling depleted and discouraged.

Sure, you have those good days, and the momentary highs of “yes, I can do all this!”, but then you can feel like you’re spiraling downward. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to stay on top of everything and also keep moving toward our goals.

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Revelation replay is ON…

Happy Mother’s Day ladies!

This is my first, so it’s a very special and spiritual day for me. I’m feeling so much love, appreciation, and gratitude. 

The outpouring of support following last Thursday’s teleseminar, “Revelation! 3 Keys to Honoring Your Highest Calling”, has brought me to tears several times already.

Thousands of women from all over the world listened live to my free call. If you missed it, you can access the replay here now.

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“Something is VERY wrong…”

“Something is VERY wrong…”

That’s the thought I had in early 2010, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

I’d built a wildly successful business, I was making great money, I was living in a big house at the beach, I’d won several national awards, and I was reaching most all my goals.

I was building, building, building with all this masculine energy.

“Bigger, faster, now, more, world domination” kind of stuff.

My choice. It’s what I thought I wanted. And needed. 

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“Faith is the New O.S.” by Ali Brown

In 2002, I had been married two years to my first husband, whom I’ll just call “G”. While we each had our own reasonably successful business ventures (I was just really starting to ramp up my online business), we were still struggling financially, living in a rented one-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles, and carrying more than $30,000 in credit card debts. It was surely causing a lot of stress in our marriage.

A friend of ours invited us to attend a “money mindset” seminar that sounded perfect for our situation. Although the event was free, it was still a big decision to take three days off, drive down to San Diego, and pay for a hotel.

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