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Displaying 163 Posts categorized under glambition

Colleen DeBaise of The Story Exchange, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Colleen DeBaise is changing the way entrepreneurial women are viewed in the media. A prominent journalist in the small business space, writing and editing for the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Entrepreneur, and BusinessWeek, she’s also been interviewed on MSNBC, CNBC and NPR. And she’s author of the Wall Street Journal Complete Small Business Guidebook.

But what caught my eye is her latest gig as the director of digital media at The Story Exchange, a nonprofit media organization that is devoted to sharing the stories of women business owners.

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Baeth Davis, Life Purpose Guide, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Got a spiritual crisis? No problem. Baeth Davis has been there, done that… and I’m honored she’s sharing her story with us on this week’s episode of Glambition Radio.

Baeth is the creator of, which is devoted to helping people discover their life purpose, and get paid for their passion.

In her late 20’s, Baeth suffered a spiritual crisis that led to thoughts of suicide. But that crisis also led to a spiritual awakening. Exactly what that awakening was… and the journey that followed… is a story you won’t soon forget.

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Denise Wilson, CEO of Desert Jet, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

How do you go from being a professional oboist and music teacher to owning a jet company?

Fasten your seatbelts, because Denise Wilson’s entrepreneurial dream has taken flight… and Glambition Radio is taking you along for the ride!

Denise is the CEO of Desert Jet, an aircraft charter company that she founded in 2007. Desert Jet offers on-demand jet charters through its fleet of aircraft based in Palm Springs, California.

Denise led Desert Jet’s growth as one of the nation’s fastest growing, privately-owned companies, ranking the last three years on the Inc.

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Laura Ries, Branding Expert, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

What is a brand? A great logo? The look-and-feel of your website?

Those things are important, but wait until you hear what branding expert Laura Ries has to say about it.

She is the co-founder of the consulting firm Ries & Ries with her father, Al Ries. I first discovered her dad’s classic book, The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, about 15 years ago, and it really shifted how I looked at marketing and branding.

Laura and her dad have consulted with many Fortune 500 companies across the world, including Microsoft, Ford, Disney, and Frito-Lay.

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Wealth, wine, and drop-dead gorgeous gowns…

I wanted to update you on the latest 3 episodes of my new Glambition™ Radio show. We’ve had over 40,000 downloads since we launched in January! If you haven’t caught it yet, here’s another sneak peek.

Here’s a quick rundown on the latest 3 episodes that you can listen to or download right now for free…

Wealth-building Expert Kim Kiyosaki took a huge risk when she left her secure 9-5 job, but she followed her entrepreneurial bliss and is living the dream. 

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Sue Wong, Glamour Gown Designer, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

From growing up on a dirt floor as a young girl in Mao’s Communist China… to living the American Dream with a world-renowned fashion empire, multiple homes, and a truly divine life—ladies, meet Sue Wong, whom I am now officially dubbing The Empress of Possibility.

And she’s all ours on this week’s Glambition Radio.

Walk through any Neiman’s, Nordstrom, or other high-end department store, go to the evening section, and you’ll see her amazing gowns. They are sold in 27 countries around the world. She’s busy right now preparing for next month’s huge fashion show where she’ll unveil her sumptuous fall collection.

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Deborah Brenner, Founder of Women of the Vine, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Even if you don’t know a Chardonnay from a Cabernet, you’re going to love this delicious episode of Glambition Radio with Deborah Brenner, founder and CEO of Women of the Vine.

In a traditionally male-dominated industry, Deborah created the first of its kind wine company that unites award-winning women winemakers under one brand. And she left a cushy six-figure corporate job to do it.

On the show she shares how a painful divorce was actually the catalyst for her to say “screw this—what do I really want to do?” And a trip to Napa, California was her next soul-searching step.

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Kim Kiyosaki, Wealth-building Expert, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Her brand is Rich Woman, so how could I not have the incredible Kim Kiyosaki on Glambition Radio?

Kim says she knew early on in life that she wanted to be her own boss. Sitting in a cube working 9-to-5 was not her thing, and despite everyone’s advice to stay in that secure job (health insurance! free coffee and pens!), she took a risk, left corporate America, followed her entrepreneurial bliss, and became a very rich woman indeed… in more ways than one.

You’re likely familiar with her husband and business partner Robert Kiyosaki, who authored the groundbreaking Rich Dad, Poor Dad in 1997.

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Liz Lange, Fashion Designer, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

How do you go from NO business knowledge, no marketing experience, and an admitted knack for having proactive “poor judgment” to creating what became the #1 line in a fashion category within a few short years?

It was all part of Liz Lange’s plan. Well, her “non plan”. The “I never had a business plan” plan. And her story is LIVE on this week’s Glambition Radio.

And I have to tell you I LOVED hearing her talk about her lack of having everything thought out ahead of time… because this is what separates the Glambition Girls from the rest.

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“Safe is the New Risk”—Glambition Radio Episode #10 with Ali Brown


If you’ve listened to just a few of the interviews with amazing women we’ve had so far on Glambition Radio, I hope you’ve detected they have one powerful trait in common.

These gals took RISKS to get where they are.

They didn’t overthink things, or think “who am I to be doing this?” or fret and flop around worrying about how they would fit this in their life, how they’d do this along with motherhood, etc.

They got excited about their idea, did the research they needed, got the help they needed, and went for it.

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