leadership Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 14 Posts categorized under leadership

Dorie Clark on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Dorie Clark, Author of “Entrepreneurial You” — Glambition Radio Episode 137 with Ali Brown

As research for her newest book, Dorie Clark did over 50 in-depth interviews with successful high 7-and-8 figure entrepreneurs on how they make money from their expertise. When she began writing the book and actually testing the techniques for herself, her income grew well over $200,000 — before her book was even published. She shares how on this episode of Glambition Radio, and you don’t want to miss it.

Once her book “Entrepreneurial You: Monetize Your Expertise, Create Multiple Income Streams, and Thrive” was published, it was named one of the Top 10 Business Books of 2017 by Forbes.

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Renegade Leadership 2017 on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

’Renegade Leadership 2017’ on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

It’s our 100th episode of Glambition Radio, and it was overdue for me to do a SOLO show. (And this one is really meaty, so get ready to listen a few times or take some notes.)

As I write this, our 45th president has just taken office. I know you’re sick of hearing about the election, as I am, so let me be clear this show is NOT about that.

It’s about THIS…

There are external circumstances you can’t control.

But there are MANY – SO MANY – “circumstances” you can.

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Val Wright on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Val Wright, author of “Thoughtfully Ruthless” on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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When companies like Microsoft, Starbucks, Amazon, and DreamWorks Animation expand their global reach, they call innovation expert Val Wright to make it happen. Her unique reputation as a growth accelerator makes her one of Clicksoftware’s Top 50 Resources for CEOs, and has earned her a place in the Million Dollar Consultant Hall of Fame. On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, Val tells us how she went from being a shop-girl to a global business consultant, and why she’s encouraging top executives to be “Thoughtfully Ruthless” with her new book.

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Dorie Clark, Branding Expert and author of “Stand Out” on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

After college, Dorie Clark enrolled in Harvard Divinity School looking to learn more about life, but it turned out her path would be showing others how to get the most out of their lives and careers.

And the experts have taken note. Her book “Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It” was named by Inc. magazine as the #1 Leadership Book of 2015.

On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, Dorie explains how she made a name for herself as a branding expert by helping herself stand out, and then showing others how to do the same for themselves. 

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Holly Dowling, Speaker and Master Communicator on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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I’m so excited to introduce you to my new friend and kindred spirit, Holly Dowling. Holly’s a global expert on Strengths-based leadership, and her gift is helping people rediscover what really matters in their lives and embrace a better version of themselves. On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, Holly shares stories about the personal challenges that led to her own reinvention, and explains why remembering the simple things in life and giving yourself permission to change are the secrets to fulfillment and great leadership.

Holly was vice president of an international brokerage firm and firmly planted in her successful career, but she would go home every night and cry herself to sleep.

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ONE spot left… is it yours?

A quick courtesy notice to share that ONE spot remains in next week’s one-time only Repower Workshop.

Is the universe holding it for YOU?


If you’ve reached multiple 6-figures or 7, and want continued growth without just doing more

If you’re done with “massive action” and ready for thoughtful reinvention

If you “get” launches and are ready to move on to bold leadership

Then THIS is the retreat for you.

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“6 BOLD Ways to Start Breaking Away From The Pack—PART 2” by Ali Brown

I was thrilled to see so many great comments and support for Part 1 of this article, which you can read here. (If you didn’t read that yet, I would start there.)

A quick synopsis…

When I learned to position myself correctly, I didn’t have to shout.

And you don’t have to either. Even in the midst of all the online madness.

The noise. The ads. The videos. The copying. The sensationalism.

You can still be BOLD without having to beat your chest!

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Our meeting on May 12 & 13…

I’m thrilled to share my intimate Repower Workshop is nearly full, and just a few seats remain.

Is one being held for YOU?


If you’re done focusing on launches and instead want to focus on LEADERSHIP

If you’ve mastered the marketing and are ready to look for more MEANING

If you’ve reached six-figures or seven, and want continued growth without just doing MORE

If you’re done with “massive action” and ready for thoughtful REINVENTION

Then THIS is the retreat for YOU.

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Time for a "sharp right turn"?

I’m so excited my Repower Workshop is filling up steadily, and with the RIGHT people for this intimate retreat!

We have women registered leading businesses and missions ranging from the high-six-figures into the multiple millions.

And here’s some exciting news: My good friend Kara Goldin, founder and CEO of HINT Water, will be joining us on Day 1 for an intimate discussion on her journey to success, and taking the occasional “sharp right turn”.

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Do you launch or do you LEAD?

This is a special invitation for LEADERS… not just “launchers”.

If you’ve mastered the marketing, and you know your business model, and you feel you’re doing pretty well, then pay attention.

Because a very small event is coming up fast that has a very big purpose.

I’m bringing together entrepreneurs who have built high-six to multiple seven-figure businesses and women with purposeful missions that are changing the world.

And it’s happening in just 5 WEEKS here in Scottsdale, Arizona, on May 12 & 13.

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