repower Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 4 Posts categorized under repower

October Leadership Workshop

After the success of my spring Repower Workshop, which was designed for women making or on track for 7-figures+ this year, I’ve received many inquiries on whether I’d be willing to create a similar leadership event for women of ALL levels of entrepreneurship.

It seems many of you—not just those of you at the highest levels—are ready for a new conversation.

And I’m ready to deliver.

Here in my gorgeous resort town of Scottsdale, Arizona, Tuesday & Wednesday, October 27 & 28.

During these two days together we will focus on the strategy and collaboration required to step into your fullest leadership potential.

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Time to re-work it?

“You have been thinking one way. Now you have to think a different way.”
~ Joseph Campbell

Once you make it into the multiple six-figures or seven, a shift happens.

You realize you “get” the model. You get the steps. You get the blueprint.

But you know there’s something more.

And it’s not just higher revenues.

You know there are ways to step into higher LEADERSHIP and be of higher service.

You also know there are OTHER women out there who want to grow and lead like you.

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“My Prediction of the HUGE ‘Launch Bubble’ That’s Coming Fast… and How to Surpass It…”

I was thrilled to see such a rush of comments and support for Part 1 of this series, which you can read here: Rumors, Lies, and Industry Goodbyes…”

A brief synopsis: Our online world seems to be valuing perception over reality.

Gross over net. And “bigness” over all else. My personal experience with how laying off two team members turned into a nationwide rumor I was “going under” was a humorous and perfect segue into looking at WHAT exactly is going on right now.

I shared that story because I thought it would resonate with many of you, and based on the response, I was right.

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Do you lead? Or follow?

It’s time for a new conversation.

I’ve been talking with several of my clients—past and present—who are in the revenue ranges of high-6 to multiple-7 figures.

They agreed there are plenty of events out there for beginners and those in the low-six-figures, but few to no events for real leaders who are excelling, have been in business for years, and really know what they are doing.

And I knew it was time to put on a special workshop I’d been contemplating.

An intimate event ONLY for high-6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs.

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