Five years ago, when I debuted my first major coaching program, in walked a gorgeous gal from Maryland named Doreen Rainey. This girl had it going on. I saw she had everything it takes, but most of all how she owned her responsibility for success.
That year, I was honored to help her more than double her income in her first business. (She told her story about it at my 2010 Shine conference, and you can still see the video clip here. You’ll see how far she’s come since then!)
Today, she’s got a much BIGGER story to tell, and she shares it ALL on this week’s episode of Glambition Radio.
Doreen has simply become a force to be reckoned with. She’s a kick ass coach who has built a profitable and impactful organization helping people “define success for themselves and then have the guts to go for it”. At her annual Radical Success Conferences, she’s hosted impactful speakers including Jillian Michaels, Lori Greiner, Lisa Nichols, Laila Ali, Jean Chatzky, and even yours truly. And along with leading her coaching institute, she’s currently working with the Steve Harvey World Group.
But TODAY on Glambition Radio, you are going to hear the REAL story behind her success… including:
~ The corporate background that fueled her desire to go out on her own (and the day she swore she’d never wear pantyhose again!)
~ Her near-DEATH experience just last year that finally got her to change how she was working (for the better… and ironically, her bottom line too)
~ How an episode of the COSBY SHOW (?!) gave her a radical new idea that has stayed with her for life
~ And a few select juicy tips for success—I guarantee there’s something in here you need to hear right now.
We had a LOT of fun on this interview, and Doreen really tells it like it is. A true Glambition Gal! So listen to this episode of Glambition Radio by clicking the play button below. And if you want to hear my most recent episodes head over to iTunes to listen or subscribe for automatic updates.
Love and success,

P.S. I would love your review!! We’ve had more than 100,000 downloads, but it seems few take a minute to write a review. If you enjoy what we shared in this episode, please leave a review and a comment on iTunes. I would really appreciate it. Thanks! 🙂