Geneen Roth spent the first 30 years of her life in what she describes as “diet hell”, certain that being thin would finally make her happy. It almost killed her.
When she took a closer look at her relationship with food, Geneen discovered more about herself than she ever imagined. And she’s dedicated the last three decades to helping women transform the way they think about food…and themselves.
On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, Geneen and I discuss the rollercoaster ride of gut-wrenching lessons she’s learned and embraces — in self-image, love, and money. (Both Oprah and Bernie Madoff play big roles in her highs and lows, which she reveals on the show.)
Geneen spent years thinking that everything wrong in her life would be fixed if she could change the shape of her body. The diets started when she was 11 years old and escalated to fasting, anorexia, and bulimia. Self-loathing permeated every thought – until she just couldn’t take it anymore. Her hunger for food was really about something so much deeper – and she realized every woman she knew faced the same struggle.
The author of nine books, Geneen became a pioneering voice in the link between compulsive eating and spiritual issues beyond food, weight and body image. Geneen is the author of nine books, including the #1 New York Times bestsellers Women Food, and God; Lost and Found; and When Food Is Love.
Geneen has appeared on many national television shows including: Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday” (which she’s making a RE-APPEARANCE on this coming Sunday, April 30!), The Oprah Show, 20/20, The NBC Nightly News, The View, The Today Show, and Good Morning America.
Today, Geneen does her best operating live, getting deeply personal during her weeklong Women, Food and God Retreats. (It’s described as “magical” by her students. One even ranked it a close second to the life-changing experience of childbirth.)
Geneen says it’s also about more than just food – the way we treat love and money too is all a reflection of our deepest held beliefs about ourselves. And the amount of joy, abundance, and pain we have (or think we’re allowed to have) in our lives. She explains how on the show.
Hear Geneen and I debate whether “body shaming” really does exist on the show.
On this episode of Glambition Radio, Geneen and I also discuss background noise, boycotting beauty magazines, and setting goals while detaching from the results.
I know you’ll get a lot out of this episode. So head over to iTunes and listen to this episode of Glambition Radio now (or download for later).
Love and Success,

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