We can’t put it down. We depend on it. And our kids will never know a world without it. There are two billion social media users today, and we’re expected to reach nearly three billion by 2020. And only a handful of us saw its impact coming.
My client Jennifer Maggiore was one of the few who got it right away. First, years ago, she put the new media to work when she took a women’s racing apparel line online after selling it under a tent at the racetrack, and built it into a business she eventually sold.
Today Jennifer is founder and CEO of Red Balloon Social Media, an award-winning digital agency that designs and executes media campaigns that alter the course, increase the revenues, and change the conversation for major brands as well as small businesses.
But not without some twists and turns, including major medical issues for both herself and her son, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor at only age two.
On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, you’ll hear her story that led her to starting her current acclaimed business as well as the insights along the way that put a laser focus on her priorities.
On the show, we discuss:
- The original online experiments Jen did – including Craigslist ads and even working pro bono – to get her social media business off the ground. (I love how she thought out of the box.)
- Jen’s near miss with an unmistakable sign from the universe. (Spoiler Alert: a lost shoe, soccer game, and red balloon told her “to go for it”.)
- The recent BIG social media fails by United, McDonalds, and Pepsi, and why these companies still just aren’t “getting it”
- Social media 101 elements that even everyday, successful businesses are messing up (translation=lost $$$)
- The moments that push us forward (even when they appear as the last thing you ever want to see)!
- The “next move syndrome” and why need to bathe in our achievements along the way (I’m a victim of this myself)
NOTE: Jen also talks candidly about the worst few days of her life and how they led to her biggest transformation. The story of how she and her family dealt with the diagnosis of her toddler son and his remarkable recovery is both heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time.
On this episode of Glambition Radio, we also chat about the joys and guilts of coffee pods, readying ourselves for A.I., and a new tagline we created called “bold, empowered, and a little bit slutty” — it’s up for sale if you’d like it.
I know you’ll get a lot out of this episode. So head over to iTunes and listen to this episode of Glambition Radio now (or download for later).
Love and Success,

P.S. I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, please leave a review and comment on iTunes. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!