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With just $50 in her pocket, Mari Smith left her home in Scotland in 1999 and followed her entrepreneurial instincts to San Diego. The leap paid off. Today she’s one of the world’s most respected new media thought leaders and a regular on Forbes list of the Top Ten Social Media Power influencers. On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, my friend Mari tells us how her passion for relationships shaped her career and what she’s done to earn the title “The Queen of Facebook”.
I’ve known Mari since the mid 2000s (doesn’t that sound like a looooong time ago now?), and have always been impressed not only with what she knows but who she is. She was the first social media expert I invited onto my stage and she knocked everyone’s socks off at my Online Success Blueprint Workshops way back when. So it’s no surprise to me that she has taken over the social media space as one of its indisputable leaders.
Her biggest game changer came in 2007 when she was invited to be on a beta team for a Facebook app. Mari found her niche in Facebook’s marriage of e-commerce and relationship building, and quickly became an unwavering supporter of the platform. Last year Mark Zuckerberg and his team recognized Mari’s unique set of Facebook marketing skills and hired her to go out on a national tour to teach business owners how to use Facebook to grow their business.
By clicking the play button below, you can hear how Mari teaches how to post, tweet and instagram their way to success in her Glambition Radio interview here.
So… what’s HOT and what’s NOT in social media? During her interview, Mari takes us inside the on-going evolution of social media and gives us her take on what’s working – and not — in online social marketing. She also gives us a sneak peek into the live streaming revolution.
On this episode of Glambition Radio, Mari and I also talk about baking cakes, her fondness for playing the accordion, and why those shoes you looked at on Neimans.com keep following you around the Web. She also opens up about her divorce in a brave way and shares about her new life now.
So click the play button below and listen to this episode of Glambition Radio now.
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Love and Success,

P.S. I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, please leave a review and comment on iTunes. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!