Money matters used to make Nicole Lapin so nervous, the word “budget” made her break out in hives. She overcame her fear in a big way and went on to become a “plain language” finance expert anchoring and reporting on business news for CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, Bloomberg Television, and Today. On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, you’ll hear how Nicole became a reporter when she was just 18 years old, what made her take control of her own finances and decide to make money something easy to talk about, and why she proudly calls herself a “Rich Bitch”.
Nicole says she’s the least likely person to become a finance expert. The daughter of immigrants, she grew up in a home where no one talked about money, had investments, or even read the business section of the newspaper. When her first real boyfriend told her he wanted to be a hedge fund manager, she thought he was talking about gardening! She educated herself about money management, and got a job reporting from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade. While other college students were still figuring out what they wanted to do with their lives, Nicole was working her tail off as a reporter and became the youngest anchor ever at CNN, and then claimed the same title at CNBC, where she anchored the only global finance show on the network, “Worldwide Exchange”.
By clicking the play button at the top of this page, you can hear how Nicole has made the language of money easy for us all to understand.
In the course of her job, Nicole read a lot of books about money, but never read one that seemed relevant to her own life, or the lives of any young women. So she wrote the book she wished her younger self could have read. “Rich Bitch” is a financial jargon-free guide to getting what you want out of life, without depriving yourself of the things that make you happy.
The title refers to the tough road Nicole had to take to get everything she ever wanted in life. In the book, she confesses to every mistake she made along the way, and pokes fun at everything she did wrong. Her goal is to take the scare out of finance and make women smile as they learn the language of money.
On this episode of Glambition Radio, Nicole and I discuss what a diet and a budget have in common, why time really is money, and the priceless nature of a good cup of coffee.
I know you’ll get a lot out of this episode – listen now by clicking the play button below. And if you want to hear my most recent episodes head over to iTunes to listen or subscribe for automatic updates.
Love and Success,

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