ali brown blog Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 97 Posts categorized under ali brown blog

Why you need to take time off

I’ve had new clients come to me privately exhausted and disillusioned after working with other mentors who have pushed them to the brink of a breakdown.

‘Meet your big goal faster’ was their motto, and whenever the clients suggested slowing down or showed signs of weariness (or even illness), they were accused of being uncommitted.

They thought doing more and more was the answer. Or marketing harder and harder was the answer. And on top of that, doing it FASTER.

These aren’t the answers. They are a lie of the entrepreneurial ego.

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Why it sometimes hurts to ask

Sometimes it DOES hurt to ask. When it’s only all about you. What? Yes… I just had a brilliant conversation about this realization with a colleague. A few examples…

—> Backstage at a women’s conference in Houston a few years ago, a young gal who was one of the panelists came up to me right after I exited the stage and barely introduced herself before within 30 seconds she was pushing me to become an investor in her new venture, which I didn’t even understand yet.

—> A speaker I used to know but hadn’t heard from in about 7 years recently reconnected with me via email by telling me how amazing his latest program was and that I should promote it to my list.

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“Her First Million”

One of my Premier clients just sent me this screenshot with her total year of sales — she broke $1 Million, and I’m excited for her. But not actually about the revenues. Of course that’s an impressive number that can really change the life of a client and her family. But what I love more about this milestone is seeing WHO my clients become in this phase. I remember first hearing Jim Rohn say years ago, “You don’t become a millionaire for the million dollars. You become a millionaire for the *person* you become in the process.”

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Sheryl O’Loughlin, author of “Killing It: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Keeping Your Head Without Losing Your Heart” on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Her resume reads like an ambitious woman’s dream: CEO of Clif Bar, cofounder and CEO of Plum Organics, and now founder and CEO of REBBL super herb beverages.

But what I loved MOST about Sheryl O’Loughlin—and why I wanted her on the show – is she tells it like it is: your personal life is often the hidden cost of building an uber-successful career or business.

Boom. Wow. Finally someone is talking about this.

Sheryl almost paid the ultimate price when she started her first company, ending in a downward spiral of an eating disorder.

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My secret to getting inspired and creative…

We are in So Cal for just a few more days before we head back to Scottsdale, AZ for fall.

One thing Brett and I have both realized during our few years together with the twins is that we crave new environments on a regular basis. (Luckily the kids are great travelers.) It stimulates all of us, and revs up my own creativity to a new level.

I’m honestly at my least happy when I’m trapped in an office—even my home office! That’s my place for “busy work” or organizing a project or papers, but not my inspired work.

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Rachel Hofstetter, Co-Founder of Guesterly on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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Rachel Hofstetter went from being a food lover to the food editor at “O, the Oprah Magazine”. And the stories she wrote about food entrepreneurs with million-dollar ideas inspired her to start her own business. She co-founded Guesterly, a software platform used to create one-of-a-kind magazines for special events like weddings, and she became her own entrepreneur success story.

On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, Rachel tells us how she got the foodie’s ultimate dream job, why writing a best-seller led to a major career-shift, and how ‘being open to everything’ changed her life.

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Meet My New Friend Timothy Carroll (and Get His New Book The Evolutionary Leader Today!)

Would you like to be a role model of what is possible for others, to lead your people effectively, and be more successful? Then you need to listen to my new friend Timothy Carroll, who is a top international performance strategist. In his new book, The Evolutionary Leader, he shares his five steps to dramatically develop people and performance, and they will work for you too.

Not only do I love the title, I also love the concepts and inspiration he imparts in his book to be successful at work…and in life…that it is possible to master your mind, your emotions, your body and perform at a level that will allow you to lead yourself and others through positive growth and high performance.

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Summer holiday, consulting for royalty, and going LIVE…

I recently did my first Facebook LIVE, and even though it was only 8 minutes, it got a ton of response, so I will be doing more of these! I really enjoyed being more spontaneous than usual. The topic for this one was “Entrepreneur Guilt.” (You can see my debut at the top of my FB page here.)

It’s great to be home in Arizona and not planning to be on a plane until September. But we WILL be doing plenty of road trips this summer with the kids, and I’ll be working on the road.

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If you do consulting (or want to), one more chance…

I’m back from speaking in Paris, and it’s great to be home! (I do miss speaking French a bit though – I know very little of the language yet, but it’s just so beautiful. However it seemed in France that my best attempts at French brought out everyone’s best English. ;))

Wanted you to know about this…

My good friend Ari Galper is coming back to the States in June, and I wanted to be sure you knew about a few opportunities to meet up with him and learn more about his “Trusted Authority” teachings and system.

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Honored to Be Featured in Alan Weiss’s Latest Edition of His Classic Book, "Million Dollar Consulting"

Honored to be featured in consulting guru Alan Weiss’s brand new 5th edition of his classic “Million Dollar Consulting”. I picked up the original version of this book years ago when I started my first business (copywriting), and ever since I’ve recommended it to all my clients — especially those who either want to move into consulting or have more of a consulting mindset (versus coaching). I truly feel it should be a part of every coach and consultant’s success library. You can grab a copy here at Amazon or most any bookstore…

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