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Displaying 26 Posts categorized under women business coach

Liliana Lovell, Founder of the Coyote Ugly Saloon + CEO of Ugly Inc. — Glambition Radio Episode 173 with Ali Brown

Coyote Ugly Saloon founder Lil Lovell was just 25 when she opened that first bar in New York City. And I remember hearing about it when I lived there in the ‘90s.

It had become wildly popular overnight, known for its bartenders (and female customers!) dancing on the bar. And then one of her employees — a little-known writer named Elizabeth Gilbert (yes, truly) — wrote a fantastic piece on it when she was freelancing for ‘GQ’ magazine.

Suddenly, Coyote Ugly was thrust into the national spotlight.

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Jessica Yellin on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Jessica Yellin, Former White House Correspondent + Author of ‘Savage News’ — Glambition Radio Episode 172 with Ali Brown

Back when Jessica Yellin began her career in broadcast journalism, she stated at every opportunity: ‘My goal is to be a White House Correspondent.’ (Even when it garnered her some ‘Who do you think you are?’ looks.) And after working her way from local news to MSNBC, ABC, and then Good Morning America, she did it, becoming their official White House Correspondent in 2004. A few years later, she transitioned to CNN, and won Emmy, Gracie, and Peabody awards for journalism along the way.

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Cindy Eckert on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Cindy Eckert, Founder of The Pink Ceiling + CEO of Sprout Pharma — Glambition Radio Episode 171 with Ali Brown

She created Addyi, the first FDA-approved drug for women with low libidos, dubbed by the media as ‘the female Viagra’, and sold the company that created it — Sprout Pharmaceuticals — for $1 BILLION. And then last year, she successfully sued to get it BACK. Why? And then what happened?

I had to get Cindy Eckert (formerly Whitehead) back on the show, not only to explain what’s going on with her company, but also update us on her unabashed mission to help make more women ‘really f—ing rich’.

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Natasha Case, founder of Coolhaus ice cream, on the Glambition Radio podcast with Ali Brown

Natasha Case, CEO + Co-Founder of Coolhaus Ice Cream — Glambition Radio Episode 170 with Ali Brown

It was during a walk down the freezer aisle that Natasha Case saw it: No one had innovated in the ice cream category in decades. And none of the brands on the shelf spoke to her, as a millennial and a woman. In this candid episode of Glambition Radio, Natasha opens up about the risks it took to start Coolhaus Ice Cream, and how she and her co-founder (now wife) Freya navigated the challenges of their business, marriage, and becoming parents.

I am amazed by Natasha’s story, and the vision and courage it took to go from her architecture background to… ice cream!

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Rebecca Minkoff, Fashion Designer + Founder of The Female Founder Collective — Glambition Radio Episode 169 with Ali Brown

A cut-up t-shirt she designed in her apartment helped launch Rebecca Minkoff’s entire fashion empire over 20 years ago, and it’s still thriving. But I was even more interested in having RM herself on #GlambitionRadio to discuss her new venture designed to assist other female founders.

It started with a simple question to a VC firm who wanted her to invest: ‘May I see a list of your female-founded companies?’ When they couldn’t easily provide one, she knew it was an opportunity. She shares her brilliant solution and why it’s relevant more than ever on this inspiring episode on Glambition Radio.

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Kelly Roach on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Kelly Roach, Business Growth Coach — Glambition Radio Episode 168 with Ali Brown

‘Nothing is worth this.’ That’s how my client Kelly Roach describes the moment she knew the madness had to stop. She had the launch plans, landing pages, and email funnels for her successful coaching business, but not only was it becoming less effective — she was burning out. On Glambition Radio, Kelly reveals how she threw out all the formulas, simplified everything, and created her ‘Live Launch’ model, which is working better than ever.

What I love about Kelly’s model is that it relies on intuition and human connection… and it works.

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