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We Are Hiring! Growth Marketing Director at The Trust

If you are a go-getter who enjoys driving *results* through creative, targeted marketing strategies… and would love working with an entrepreneurial organization that powers up women business leaders, this could be the perfect position for you.

The Trust, the new, premier network for high-level female entrepreneurs led by award-winning business mentor Ali Brown, is seeking a Growth Marketing Director to take our membership to the next level and beyond.

We are a small team with big dreams. Our mission: To accelerate the power of proven women leaders who are in positions to scale up and create impact.

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You’re not here just to coast along…

Don’t get me wrong… there are times for contraction, consideration, and taking things at a slower pace.

But lately, there’s a sense of urgency in the air, and I wonder if you feel it too.

It’s not related to speed, but instead unapologetically doing things very differently than those around you.

Perhaps you’ve already heeded this nudge. Or maybe you’ve been in a holding pattern, waiting for a sign to completely reinvent your world.

For some, that sign has been dramatic market shifts. For others, a major life event.

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Walking away from the ‘normal’ path…

I just wrapped an incredible week of meetings here in Phoenix, and while I’m on a total post-event high, I’m glad to be able to rest a bit today!

I’m thrilled that more than half of our members of The Trustflew in to join us for a one-day Pop-Up Gathering, which I held by popular request — they couldn’t wait until our Official Fall Meeting in September! (Here’s a quick photo of some of our members who attended.)

And afterwards, I spent two days with my private Premier Client Group, where we went deep on each woman’s business and gained so much wisdom from each other.

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Liberation through chaos…

There’s something I’ve never done for my live events before, and I want to tell you exactly what’s different about my upcoming ICONIC…

Over the last 15 years of hosting events, I’ve never actually given one a ‘theme’ for the year.

This year, as I bring back ICONIC, I felt strongly called to give it one. And it’s liberation.

Why liberation?

Because in the midst of all this past year’s madness… the chaos… the nonsensical happenings… the upending of most all we knew… there are actually opportunities so immense (both business and personal) they are hard to fathom by most ‘normal’ folks.

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Honored to Be Featured — Along With The Trust — in Forbes this Week

A big thank you to Geri Stengel of Ventureneer for featuring me along with The Trust in her column for Forbes.  

The article, titled ‘Million Dollar Plus Women Entrepreneurs Turn to Networks for Faster Growth’, focuses on how women at higher business levels face unique challenges that simply aren’t addressed in the more ‘beginner-friendly’ and broader networking circles. We need strategic circles of our own, and more of them.

And, you’ll hear more about why I created The Trust — my new network for 7+8 figure entrepreneurs — and how we will be continuing to evolve.

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See My New Feature in Medium’s ‘Authority Magazine’…

Recently I was interviewed by Doug Brown for a series called ‘Five Strategies I Used To Grow My Business to Reach Seven Figures in Revenue.’ And while many of you already know my story of building my business from the ground up, there’s something new that MORE women need to understand. And I’m sharing all about it in this interview: from the importance of networking strategically with proven women entrepreneurs, to handling the fallout of the pandemic with grace, to creating your legacy play… including a few stories about why I created MY legacy play, The Trust, the modern premier network for 7+8-figure women entrepreneurs.

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2021: Your year of the big vision

As we approach the new year, something is abundantly clear: Nothing is going back to the way it ‘was’, so it’s up to us to think much bigger.

Instead of reacting, responding, and pivoting your way into some tolerable form of success, I invite you to reimagine and create what could be your biggest vision EVER.

We have no choice.

>> I have found in my own long and varied entrepreneurial career that when I am frustrated, stuck, or restless, it’s typically because I have been THINKING TOO SMALL.

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A special invitation…

An exciting update and personal invite for you…

A few weeks ago, my new network The Trust held its Official Fall Meeting here in Scottsdale, AZ. Given the current travel limitations, I was thrilled to still have over halfof our powerful new group fly in to meet in person. We also enjoyed seeing our other members join us virtually from all over the U.S. and the world.

These women are incredible leaders of 7+8 figure businesses and movements who knew — as I did — that it was high time… time to emerge, to gather, and to lead.

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Is there ‘light’ at the end of all this?

Last night, I was fretting a bit over the state of the world—especially for our children—and then looked down to see this…

I’ve had a gorgeous crystal floor lamp in the corner of my office for years, but have never seen light shine through the prisms in this way.

It took my breath away. For me, it meant God is with us. Take a deep breath, stay aware, stay in love, and stay above all the noise. Fear feeds the problem, and fuels the enemy.

Staying strong but ‘in peace’ isn’t easy, but it’s where we need to be.

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Two inspiring women to listen to this weekend…

Well we’re going into Labor Day weekend here in the U.S., and who would have known we are already in September. Also now that we are homeschooling the twins ourselves, there is a bit of a time-space continuum blur… is it a weekday or a weekend? What planet are we on? Agh…. Either way we hope to enjoy some R+R, and I hope you do too.

Turn OFF the news and social, and stay above the fear-based messaging this weekend, for your own sanity. Take a few days to focus on things you love with people you love, and remember your blessings and brilliance.

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