Ali Brown, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 27 of 71

Displaying 703 Posts written by Ali Brown

"7-Figures Saved My Soul…"

What I’m about to share here may surprise you, shock you, or at least get you to think differently about your current situation.
When I was selecting my lineup of luminary women for my “Feminine Edge” teleseries, there were several qualifications I insisted on. I wanted to feature leaders who had nurtured a thriving business while also creating a life they loved. That’s part of the beauty and meaning we are bringing to business as women. But I also insisted that these women had reached at least 7-figures in their business.

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"Who Do These Women Think They Are?…"

While women are starting businesses now in droves—in fact at a faster rate than men are—it’s not every day you meet a 7- or 8-figure female entrepreneur. And it’s surely not every day you get to receive their advice on how to build a fantastic business and life that honors your values and family.
That’s why I wanted to bring together 13 of the best and brightest luminaries I know—from money masters to spiritual leaders—for my new, FREE teleseries called The Feminine Edge”.

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“Elevate Premier Member Spotlight: Celestyna Osiak from Krakow, Poland”

One of the best ways to get inspired is to learn from others’ successes.

That’s why in my Elevate online training program, we spotlight one of our premier members during our member Monthly Access Calls.

Elevate Head Coach James Roche, Elevate Coach Joy Chudacoff, and I select and interview one Elevate Premier member who is making great strides with the program.

Some successes are large, some small, but it’s all about taking steps forward and making progress.

Today, you’ll meet Elevate Premier member Celesyna Osiak, the founder of a successful women’s entrepreneurial coaching program, Coaching Studio 4.

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"Do you see this happening?…"

There is a powerful shift… that’s not just happening around us as women, but happening through us and within us. And this year, it’s more powerful than ever.
What’s happening is, INSTEAD of our feminine nature—the essence of who we are—being seen as a hindrance, an obstacle, or even a handicap… who we naturally are is NOW giving us a huge EDGE—in our businesses and our lives.

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“3 Easy Ways to Leverage Your Business for a Good Cause” by Ali Brown

When most people think of entrepreneurs and philanthropy, Bill Gates comes to mind, as do media moguls such as Oprah Winfrey or high-earning superstars like Angelina Jolie. But whether you’re a solo-preneur barely making ends meet or managing a team of 20, there are plenty of ways you can leverage your business to make a real impact on your community, and they don’t have to involve an out-of-pocket donation.

Here are a three easy ways you can incorporate philanthropy into your business model.

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"Hear Me Interview Mastin Kipp TONIGHT…"

What if your true, authentic self, could fuel your business and your personal wealth?
My friend Mastin Kipp has learned the power of authenticity first hand as the founder of The Daily Love—the fastest growing inspirational Twitter account and email list on the internet. I’ve been on his list for a while, and find his insights inspirational and uplifting.
And that’s why I’m thrilled to have Mastin on with me for TONIGHT’s Success Club call. Please join us!

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Ask Ali: “How Do I Identify My Niche and Unique Offering?”

Question: “Dear Ali, I train and keynote in how to communicate and I help business people connect with colleagues, clients, employees, and bosses. How do I narrow down my niche and identify my unique offering?”

— Marion Grobb Finkelstein, Marion Speaks, Ontario, Canada

Ali’s Answer: “First of all, I love that you have the same name as my mother, Marion! 🙂 (She says hello from Palm Desert, by the way.) You are smart to be carefully considering how to niche, because these days people will not respond to generic offerings or messages.

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“7 Mantras for Becoming a Money Magnet” by Ali Brown

When I mentor my entrepreneur clients, most of them are surprised to discover that I spend just as much time coaching on a correct money mindset as I do on sound business strategies. How you think and feel about money is even more important than how you earn it. But if you don’t think and feel wealthy, then you’ll never get to that point.

So you need to think rich, feel rich, and take rich actions to achieve the lifestyle you want and to support the causes (and people) you care about.

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"Reset Your Money Mindset…"

This is a heads up about my special CLOSE-OUT SALE that is just around the corner…
As you know, I periodically make room in our Success Store for exciting new products, and that also involves closing out a product now and then.
The benefit to YOU is you get a great product at a huge savings.
And this is one sale you don’t want to miss, because it will bring YOU a fresh new mindset and clear strategies to follow to attract more money into your life.

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“5 Headline Formulas That Will Never Go Out of Style” by Ali Brown

In the world of marketing, or anytime you need people to read what you are writing, your first impression is your headline. A catchy one will draw people in to learn more—and a so-so one can make you easily forgettable.

Headlines are meant to grab people’s attention. They should make it EASY for people to make a decision about you. Can you solve their problems? Does your tone fit their style? Are they enticed to read on? It is possible to communicate all this in ONE simple sentence. And you don’t have to be a pro copywriter to master this skill.

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