“Is this my need to succeed, or am I working toward happiness? Which is my ultimate success?” ~ Melissa Lanz
That’s my favorite quote from my Glambition Radio interview with the founder of The Fresh 20, Melissa Lanz (who is also a coaching client of mine)!
The Fresh 20 is a meal planning guide for busy and budget-conscious cooks. For $5 a month (10 percent goes to charities), subscribers get a weekly grocery list of 20 fresh ingredients to make five meals.
Every recipe takes 30 minutes or less, and there are even gluten-free and vegetarian options. Over 100,000 subscribers have already signed on. (I love the Greek lamb tacos!)
Just a few years ago, Melissa was working 70 hours a week making six-figures as a marketing executive. But she was too exhausted to cook, so her family was eating unhealthy take-out and microwave dinners.
She realized that her job was not serving her, she was serving it. So she quit. Melissa knew she was happiest in the kitchen, creating healthy meals for her family. So with a list of 400, she launched The Fresh 20 (www.thefresh20.com) and has never been happier! Her bestselling book The Fresh 20 Cookbook was released last year.
This week’s Glambition Radio episode is loaded with valuable tips for entrepreneurs just starting out. Here’s a sneak preview for you from Melissa, in her own words:
Tip #1: Identify your strengths and delegate your weaknesses
“You can’t do it all. Everybody has that strong thing that they’re really good at. I think when you allow yourself to do that… the most time possible in the week… your business will grow. You’ve just got to have faith and hire out for other things.”
Tip #2: Listen to your intuition
“Follow your intuition and put one step in front of the other. I never give up on anything. I might change my course. I might figure out a way to do it differently. But if you’re committed, don’t stop. Don’t take a break.”
Tip #3: Don’t be half-assed about it
“You have to be serious in your heart about happiness and success to bring them to fruition. If you’re doing it halfway, or you’re only putting a toe in because you’re scared, then maybe it’s not for you. I say dive in!”
You’re going to love this Glambition gal, and what I’ve shared here is just a tiny bit of her wisdom and inspiration. Just listen to this episode of Glambition Radio by clicking the play button below. And if you want to hear my most recent episodes head over to iTunes to listen or subscribe for automatic updates.
Love and success,

P.S. We need your review!! We’ve had more than 60,000 downloads, but it seems few take a minute to write a review. If you enjoy what we shared in this episode, please leave a review and a comment on iTunes. I would really appreciate it. Thanks! 🙂