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Reshma Saujani, Founder of Girls Who Code — Glambition® Radio Episode 199 with Ali Brown

Failure. It’s an ‘f’ word that strikes panic into even the most capable and accomplished of women… but what if we could transform our fear of failure into our greatest inspiration to play, experiment, and try things on? After a devastating loss in her run for U.S. Congress, today’s Glambition Radio guest did just that—and founded an organization that is now building the largest pipeline of future female engineers in the United States.

Reshma Saujani is the Founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, the international nonprofit organization working to close the gender gap in technology and change the image of what a computer programmer looks like and does.

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Whitney Johnson, Innovation and Disruption Theorist — Glambition® Radio Episode 198 with Ali Brown

While it’s hard to believe, today’s guest—innovation and disruption theorist Whitney Johnson (the woman lecturing at Harvard Business School, exemplifying the Wall Street ‘financial dream’, and earning the highest honors for organizational thought leadership all while wearing great suits)—has also experienced her fair share of ‘vague notions’ about her future’s direction, as you’ll hear on this #GlambitionRadio. And that’s exactly what makes her incredibly… credible.

She’s one of the 50 leading business thinkers in the world (Thinkers50), an expert on helping high-growth organizations develop high-growth individuals, an award-winning author, world-class keynote speaker, frequent lecturer for Harvard Business School’s Corporate Learning, and an executive coach and advisor to CEOs.

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Did you catch these?

Did you get to listen to these recent episodes of Glambition® Radio?

I wanted to send a quick update just in case you hadn’t. Because seriously this show just keeps getting better.

Amazing guests. Provocative topics. Powerful conversations.

Here are our latest episodes. Descriptions are below.

Here’s a bit about each of these episodes…

Sheri Salata – She had a career many would kill for — a 20-year exhilarating career serving as Executive Producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show, and later as the Co-President of Harpo Studios and OWN. 

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Shaping up, meeting up, and stepping up…

Well I can’t believe the twins have just started kindergarten. For those of you who are moms I’m sure you can relate to what an emotional day it was for all of us.

I’m so proud of who they are becoming, but also there’s always a bit of sadness when it seems to happen so fast.

In between my tears(!), I wanted to drop a quick update this week on a few opportunities coming up to help you reach your goals, in a few different ways…


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Why you need to stop relying on marketing…

I want to address something I’m seeing everywhere right now, and that is complete online marketing panic.

>>> I did a Facebook LIVE on this, and you can watch it here.

Just one example: There have been several instances lately where online entrepreneurs have been blindsided by sudden changes in Facebook.

One minute they were getting good-enough leads for a few dollars each, then… the leads stopped coming. The ads stopped working. FB once again changed all its algorithms, rules, etc. And as you know, all FB ‘pages’ now also have crap organic reach.

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Meeting up in Miami or Phoenix

I hope you’re enjoying a fantastic summer here in the U.S. After a few weeks of travel, Brett and I are happy to be home for all this month – it does get HOT here in Scottsdale, but we love our pool time with the kids and doing a lot of grilling.
If you’d like to keep up with more of our adventures (my twins included), I’m on Instagram at @alibrownofficial. I’m posting there more than anywhere else lately because I love its simplicity and positive vibe.

I wanted to drop a quick update here on a few opportunities to work together, as well as my latest episode of #GlambitionRadio…


I’ll be in Miami for some playtime before a private event, and have a bit of time open for VIP Strategy Days while I’m in the area.

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I’m in NYC…

I’m writing this from the lobby of our chic NYC hotel, sipping an iced cold-brew coffee and getting ready for a VIP Strategy Day with a new client. Brett and I have been enjoying a week sans kids and taking in all the city has to offer!

On Wednesday night I hosted a small soiree for several of my #GlambitionRadio guests and it was wonderful to catch up with these high profile women personally. Guests included Kate White (former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan), Farnoosh Torabi (host of So Money), retail maven Lisa Robinson (formerly of QVC), and several others you may know.

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It’s exhausting to market “harder”…

When competition swarms around, it can be good in many ways, as it gets you to raise your game.

But inadvertently, it can keep you playing small … because then often your entire focus becomes marketing.

And that’s exhausting.


Because someone else will always have…

Cooler videos.
A larger following.
Greater exposure.
More cash to market.
Better ads.
More posts.
A larger team.
Lower prices.
More famous friends.

The list goes on.

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'Nice girls', tight jeans, and creative secrets…

Time to catch up with these recent episodes of Glambition® Radio
Download some instant on-the-go advice, inspiration, and revelation for the week from some amazing women leaders.
I’m honored that #GlambitionRadio has now been recognized by both Inc. and Entrepreneur magazines as a must listen podcast for entrepreneurs!
Here are our latest episodes. Keep reading below for descriptions…

Listen to them here or download right now, for free.
A bit about these episodes…
Fran Hauser – After years in her high-level media career of being asked, ‘How can you be so NICE and still be so successful?’, Fran decided to write, The Myth of the Nice Girl.

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Who should NOT read this…

If you’ve felt for any reason you’re pretty average at what you do, or lack confidence in yourself, or aren’t sure what your gifts are, this is NOT a blog you should keep reading.

However, if you know you’re different and special, if you’ve been blessed with talents and gifts that you at times wonder how you even deserved, if you feel you’re here on this earth in this lifetime to do something quite extraordinary and create profound impact… this email is for you.

It’s time to break you out of your current model and rise to the top.

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