Ali Brown, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 3 of 71

Displaying 703 Posts written by Ali Brown

Why it sometimes hurts to ask

Sometimes it DOES hurt to ask. When it’s only all about you. What? Yes… I just had a brilliant conversation about this realization with a colleague. A few examples…

—> Backstage at a women’s conference in Houston a few years ago, a young gal who was one of the panelists came up to me right after I exited the stage and barely introduced herself before within 30 seconds she was pushing me to become an investor in her new venture, which I didn’t even understand yet.

—> A speaker I used to know but hadn’t heard from in about 7 years recently reconnected with me via email by telling me how amazing his latest program was and that I should promote it to my list.

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See you in April? [New Workshop]

I’m writing you from the lush private backyard of our lovely beach rental in Sydney, trying to focus among the squawking of about eight rainbow lorikeets that have landed in our trees. (They are lovely, but so loud!)

The twins are doing very well. This is their fourth trip to Australia, and they seem to be born travelers. We’re not quite over our jetlag yet, but getting there.

Being an international family isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. The experiences our four-and-a-half year olds are having here—and the accompanying view of the world they are gaining—are priceless.

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Different ways of getting creative…

Years ago, my husband Brett worked for an innovative ideation startup based in Northern California.

When the creative heads wanted to cook up a few new ideas, they all locked up in the conference room and proceeded to get well baked.

(Brett said he did partake on a few occasions, but of course did not inhale.)

While the ceremony resulted in some unique ideas, they regretted never recording their sessions, because they couldn’t remember what they talked about!

When you use the word “creative”, it can connote many different perspectives.

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Love, tech, and Poo~Pourri…

Just a quick note to make sure you’ve caught the latest episodes of my Glambition® Radio, because we’ve had quite a string of fascinating guests and topics.

Time to download some free and instant on-the-go advice, inspiration, and revelation for the weekend!

I’m honored the show has now been recognized by both Inc. and Entrepreneur magazines as a must listen podcast for entrepreneurs. Glambition Radio is my favorite venture of all time.

These latest 6 episodes share powerful stories of amazing women founders, creators, and leaders, as well as some juicy solo shows from yours truly. 

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Did you miss it? Replay available now

Did you catch the teleclass my good friend (and long-term client) Kendall SummerHawk and I hosted yesterday?

If you missed the call, I definitely recommend getting the replay while it is still available. This will be your only email reminder!

We walked through in detail how you can avoid the complex headaches of online launches with the simplicity of a VIP offering to your clients – mainly a “VIP Day”, which is simply a 1-day intensive. It’s perfect for all coaching and consulting businesses, but also for many professional service businesses.

Click here to access the REPLAY now

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Join me tomorrow?

I’m hosting something special TOMORROW, and wanted to be sure you knew about it, as I haven’t done a personal free training in quite a while.

The topic is something that can dramatically change your coaching, consulting, or professional service business.

It can increase your revenues in a big way, very quickly.

And it’s incredibly simple to do (once you know the ins and outs).

And it’s something I’ve been doing for over a decade, but have returned to them being a big part of my model in the last few years as I grew tired of the ‘launch hamster wheel’.

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Simple offerings, big paydays…

After my twins were born, I was craving to dramatically simplify my business.

But it felt a bit scary, to be honest. While everyone else was raving about their 14-step marketing funnels and complex online programs, I took a “sharp right turn” and decided to focus solely on my love — and gift — of being a powerful coach and consultant.

One of the key elements I decided to highlight was “VIP Days”, which are simply one-day intensives done with individuals or small groups, in person or virtual.

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An unusual request…

My friend Pam Slim just reached out with an unusual request that I wanted to share.

She’s an unabashedly brilliant small business champion, author of the bestselling books Escape from Cubicle Nation and Body of Work, and also an amazing woman with a huge heart. (She’s also appeared on my own Glambition Radio show.)

Pam has commissioned a professional survey of small business owners to help gain new insight into their specific challenges… and attitudes around them.

And when I learned about what she was doing, I wanted to help.

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Livestream TODAY: How to fill your coaching groups

A quick note about a free LIVE training today at 2pm Eastern (NY)/11 am Pacific .

“ Mastermind Profit Secrets; Fill your Groups, Leverage your Time, and Increase Profits ” 

A few of you have been writing me with questions about Lisa Sasevich’s program I mentioned, and I thought this would be a good chance for you to see her teaching and coaching live, and doing Q&A as well.

During this livestream, you’ll learn:

How to nail your ‘Event Promise’ — the first step to filling your event
The numbers on how it’s possible to make a year’s worth of revenue in just 3 days.

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Can SMALL events make big profits?

Do you host seminars… or have you considered hosting a seminar (or workshop, conference, event) for your business?

And would you be interested in learning how to dramatically boost your profits using those events… without needing a bigger list, huge platform, or products to sell?

Even with a workshop with as few as 10 people?

Then I’d like you to read this carefully, because there’s a very powerful resource that just opened enrollment, and I think you should know about it… before it disappears.

It’s called Event Profit Secrets 2.0.

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