Erica Nebiker, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 9 of 9

Displaying 87 Posts written by Erica Nebiker

Tonya Dalton on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Tonya Dalton, Productivity Expert — Glambition® Radio Episode 205 with Ali Brown

Because most productivity systems were designed by *men*, affecting change in women’s lives—getting them excited for work, feeling good in their personal lives, and making dreams come true—is Tonya Dalton’s north star. And to do this, she’s debunking outdated and ineffective models of productivity to transform how women create their ultimate versions of a blended workspace and home sphere.

On #GlambitionRadio, you’ll hear how Tonya (without any prior experience) started her first business from her kitchen with $50, two kids playing at her feet, and zero email subscribers… and built her booming family business to 7-figures within 18-months to successfully absorb her husband’s corporate income and bring him on as CMO.

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Madness, Vision, God, and Memberships…

I hope you and yours are healthy and well, and are gearing up for an Easter weekend of gratitude like no other. 🙂

As you’re catching up on emails before the weekend, I wanted to drop a note with a few resources I think you’d find really helpful right now for your business and your mindset.

1. ‘Lost in the Madness… and Where to Go from Here’

I just posted a NEW article on LinkedIn as part of my Iconoclast newsletter there.

It’s about how, right now, it’s easy to panic, pivot your business too quickly, and grab what’s in front of you.

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My Brand-New Resource…

Witnessing our current times, it’s evident that critical thinking is more important—and urgent—than ever.

Our traditional institutions have failed us, conventional business models are floundering, and there is madness outside your door.

Join me for a new conversation designed to break us out of mainstay methods of doing business and achieving impact.

We are being called to something higher.

Because right now we are actually—albeit in a strange way—being guided to make rapid progress forward.

After three years of hosting my ‘Iconic’ workshops for business leaders, I’m now shifting to a brand-new message based on what I see we most need at this time.

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Whitney Johnson, Innovation and Disruption Theorist — Glambition® Radio Episode 198 with Ali Brown

While it’s hard to believe, today’s guest—innovation and disruption theorist Whitney Johnson (the woman lecturing at Harvard Business School, exemplifying the Wall Street ‘financial dream’, and earning the highest honors for organizational thought leadership all while wearing great suits)—has also experienced her fair share of ‘vague notions’ about her future’s direction, as you’ll hear on this #GlambitionRadio. And that’s exactly what makes her incredibly… credible.

She’s one of the 50 leading business thinkers in the world (Thinkers50), an expert on helping high-growth organizations develop high-growth individuals, an award-winning author, world-class keynote speaker, frequent lecturer for Harvard Business School’s Corporate Learning, and an executive coach and advisor to CEOs.

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‘The Power of Exclusion’ — Glambition® Radio Episode 195 with Ali Brown

Does the word ‘exclusion’ make you cringe? Is it because all the talk is about *inclusion* these days? Well, I get it. But here’s the rub: Exclusion may be the BEST concept you’ve put into your business in a long time, when it comes to selecting your market and your offerings in an ultra-focused way.

Because right now, more than ever, the ultimate poison is selling to everyone. In fact, my not-so-pretty alternate name for this episode was… ‘The Mass Marketing Sh–show.’

Here’s why…

We *know* we shouldn’t be marketing to everybody.

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Jaime Masters on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Jaime Masters of ‘Eventual Millionaire’ — Glambition® Radio Episode 194 with Ali Brown

In 2010, long before podcasting was cool, and before she had any traction with her ‘Eventual Millionaire’ podcast, today’s Glambition Radio guest crafted a vision… she wanted to eventually become a millionaire herself — and clearly outlined her future life despite how cheesy it felt to envision her dreams. And, through hopeful cold calls and emails, she slowly began to interview and surround herself with real millionaires — and discovered they had one strong success indicator in common: a clearly defined vision.

On today’s episode of Glambition Radio, author and host of ‘Eventual Millionaire’, Jaime Masters, dispels the myth that reaching millionaire status is out of the realm of possibility, along with key realizations that show… millionaires, they’re just like us!

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My legacy for 2020 and beyond…

Last week, I made the first public announcement of what is truly my ‘legacy play’ for 2020… and beyond.
If you haven’t heard all the details yet on Glambition® Radio, you’ll want to listen to this powerful episode now, because it also reveals the big problem I’ve observed that led me to this creation. And I have a feeling you’ll relate to it. 

On the show, I relay the fascinating NEW statistics that support what I’ve suspected for years — revealing why most of the entrepreneurial women’s ‘communities’ you find are designed for part-timers and beginners.

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