Lisa Sasevich is a sales expert whose passion and enthusiasm are contagious! And I’m honored to have mentored her during her start. On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, Lisa shares how she created the life she always wanted, why age doesn’t matter when it comes to personal growth, and what she’s done to earn the title “Queen of Sales Conversion”. And we have a lot of laughs too! Listen now by clicking the play button at the top of this page.
Lisa has always loved to share the things that excite her, so marketing was the perfect career choice. After college, she found success training executives for Pfizer, but spent all her free time working on her own personal development or introducing other people to the value of it in their lives. When she got the chance to teach courses in relationship skills, she jumped at the chance to leave her corporate job and get in on the ground floor of a small personal development company where she nurtured the techniques she teaches today.
By clicking the play button at the top of this page, you can hear how saying “Yes” to Lisa can change your life.
You may not know that before I became Lisa’s coach in 2009, I first met her in the audience of one of HER early seminars with that personal development company. She was a natural on stage. And I’d never seen such a sales rush after any pitch! I bought the whole package. And I tell the whole story during our interview.
When Lisa decided to work for herself fulltime, she attended one of my events in late 2008, and joined my now-famous Diamond group with members such as JJ Virgin, Kendall Summerhawk, Sheree Keys, and more names you would know. Lisa was my rockstar that year, taking her startup $100,000 business to $2.2 million in sales THAT YEAR. (And with two toddlers in tow! Hear all the details during our conversation.) NO ONE implements like Lisa.
Lisa will also share some of her secrets on making irresistible offers. I know you’ll get a lot out of this episode.
You can listen to this episode of Glambition Radio by clicking the play button below. And if you want to hear my most recent episodes head over to iTunes to listen or subscribe for automatic updates.
Love and Success,

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