personal power Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 71 Posts categorized under personal power

On dramatically raising your game…

I’m still on a high from my #ICONICwithAliBrown event two weeks ago. The most common comment I received at the end of the event from each attendee was that their ‘game’ has been dramatically raised and they are looking forward to stepping into much bigger businesses and impact.
We all had our minds blown by my friend and our guest speaker Cindy Eckert (a huge women’s health advocate who sold her company for $1 Billion). She shared her insights on thinking BIG, being resourceful, and being relentless when you have a goal.

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When Shonda Rhimes came to AZ…

You know who Shonda Rhimes is, right?
She achieved almost everything a TV producer could hope for during her long run at ABC.
She evolved into not only one of the most prolific writer-producers in the business, but also a mogul, as the founder and head of her Shondaland production company.
ABC filled its entire Thursday night lineup with her shows — from ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ to ‘Scandal’ and ‘How to Get Away With Murder’.
But there’s something I wanted to share with you here, because you can probably relate…
She shared during an interview that during this time of ultimate success, she was also getting… restless.

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My love/hate thing with Kanye West…

One thing I love to do at my events is pull in pop culture examples of interesting business and success principles.
For example, I have a love/hate thing with Kanye West.
[Fun fact: He and I shared a celebrity house-call doctor in Los Angeles for several years. If you search hard enough online, you can hear a recording from a few years ago of my doc calling in to request a 5150 hold on Kanye. I think it’s somewhere on TMZ. Classy website they are!]
I don’t really like Kanye’s music.

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The problem with ‘news’ today…

Years ago, we got our news in limited doses – a few TV or radio programs a day; the daily paper. That was it.

Today, we are accustomed to a 24-hour assault on all fronts – online and offline, and even when you try to turn it off. (Just the other day I had to endure noxious TV news airing at an airport gate. As if we aren’t already anxious enough before flying.)

The danger in this perpetual and often manufactured drama and outrage designed for our entertainment and to stoke our news addiction, is that we become numb to the news that REALLY does matter.

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Rebecca Minkoff, LONDON, and becoming ICONIC

How is your summer starting so far? The twins have been out of school for several weeks now, so it seems like we’re already halfway through. Our California Disney trip was a ton of fun—here’s a quick pic of us with the Mouse during our fantastic VIP tour!—but I’m glad to be back to our own sun, fun, and pool right in our own backyard. 🙂 You can catch up with some of our latest pics on my IG profile here.

Now, here’s some quick updates on a few things you may be interested in…


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An exciting announcement…

As I write this, I’m preparing to host a 25-child birthday party for my twins, who are turning six! We’re celebrating a bit early, as their school lets out for summer in just a few days, and it was easier for everyone.

Before I self-medicate 😉 I wanted to make sure you knew about one LAST detail that just came through regarding ICONIC 3.0, my event for women business leaders happening this November 5+6, 2019 in Phoenix.

Today I’m thrilled to announce a private BONUS session with my friend, a billion-dollar dealmaker, serial entrepreneur Cindy Eckert.

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Why I’m a marketing ‘agnostic’…

I’d like to quickly address a question I have received, and that’s regarding my position on online marketing.

‘Dear Ali, you seem to rant on how all marketing funnels are bad. Are you against ALL of the launch ‘formulas’ that are out there now? I’d like to know.’

To answer that question, not exactly.

Of the many clients I work with whose revenues are in the 7-figures and above, some of them have used funnels, webinars, social ads, video series, and similar formulas to get there.

But let me share a secret with you… my clients who are on track for multiple 7-figures or even 8-figures (one of my Premier clients is now doing over a million dollars a month) aren’t using any of that.

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Our meetings in NYC…

I’m here with Brett and my assistant Erika in NYC for several meetings this week. It’s a quick trip as we want to get back to the kids this weekend, and I am already missing the Arizona heat! (It’s unseasonably cold in New York right now, and I had to dig out my limited pairs of closed toe shoes from my closet.)

I have a few updates for you about a few things you may be interested in…

1. My latest episode of #GlambitionRadio is LIVE featuring my friend Reagan Moya-Jones, founder of Aden+Anais, who makes those incredible muslin baby blankets (you know the ones if you’ve had a baby in the last 10 years).

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Aiming higher than equality…

Much of the conversation I’ve had lately with several high-profile women leaders has been about the themes we’ve been hearing on the news over and over during the last year… topics like women’s equality, the #MeToo movement, catching up where we should be, making things right, evening things out, and fixing things that are broken.

These are important conversations.

But we agreed there also needs to be much more conversation about something else for women. Especially women like us.

And it’s about LEADING.

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What’s NEW at ICONIC This Fall…

We are gearing up here for ICONIC 3.0 this fall, my annual event for women changemakers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders.

If you’re not on the Priority Notification list yet, you’ll want to be, because in past years we have SOLD OUT within days. You can get on that list here.

There continues to be nothing like ICONIC, anywhere, and there’s a reason that women leaders from a variety of industries fly in from all over the world to attend.

A quick heads-up on a few NEW developments at this year’s conference, happening November 5+6 in Phoenix, AZ:

We have room for 80-90 leaders total, a bit more than last year.

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