six-figures Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 8 Posts categorized under six-figures

Livestream TODAY: How to fill your coaching groups

A quick note about a free LIVE training today at 2pm Eastern (NY)/11 am Pacific .

“ Mastermind Profit Secrets; Fill your Groups, Leverage your Time, and Increase Profits ” 

A few of you have been writing me with questions about Lisa Sasevich’s program I mentioned, and I thought this would be a good chance for you to see her teaching and coaching live, and doing Q&A as well.

During this livestream, you’ll learn:

How to nail your ‘Event Promise’ — the first step to filling your event
The numbers on how it’s possible to make a year’s worth of revenue in just 3 days.

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Can SMALL events make big profits?

Do you host seminars… or have you considered hosting a seminar (or workshop, conference, event) for your business?

And would you be interested in learning how to dramatically boost your profits using those events… without needing a bigger list, huge platform, or products to sell?

Even with a workshop with as few as 10 people?

Then I’d like you to read this carefully, because there’s a very powerful resource that just opened enrollment, and I think you should know about it… before it disappears.

It’s called Event Profit Secrets 2.0.

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My first workshop, my first refund, and my first giant payday…

I hosted my first little workshop back in 2005.

I had 28 people attend, and I remember being so nervous, hoping they’d love the content, which at the time was focused on leveraging your business online.

I walked in praying that no one would hate it and ask for a refund. (One woman did. I obliged. And then she asked if she could still come to the party that evening! I said ‘NO’.)

But the other 27 people? They LOVED it.

At the end, they asked what else I had to offer.

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Time to re-work it?

“You have been thinking one way. Now you have to think a different way.”
~ Joseph Campbell

Once you make it into the multiple six-figures or seven, a shift happens.

You realize you “get” the model. You get the steps. You get the blueprint.

But you know there’s something more.

And it’s not just higher revenues.

You know there are ways to step into higher LEADERSHIP and be of higher service.

You also know there are OTHER women out there who want to grow and lead like you.

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“My Prediction of the HUGE ‘Launch Bubble’ That’s Coming Fast… and How to Surpass It…”

I was thrilled to see such a rush of comments and support for Part 1 of this series, which you can read here: Rumors, Lies, and Industry Goodbyes…”

A brief synopsis: Our online world seems to be valuing perception over reality.

Gross over net. And “bigness” over all else. My personal experience with how laying off two team members turned into a nationwide rumor I was “going under” was a humorous and perfect segue into looking at WHAT exactly is going on right now.

I shared that story because I thought it would resonate with many of you, and based on the response, I was right.

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Which one did you BREAK yet?

Well it seems my latest episode of Glambition Radio on “The 5 BEST Rules to Break in 2015” was exactly what many of you needed to hear this week… IF you are moving to a higher level of business and leadership.

Here’s just a sampling of comments I have on my Facebook page regarding the show:

So just a reminder if you haven’t heard the show yet, why wait?

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“5 Rules to BREAK in 2015… With Ali Brown on Glambition Radio ” by Ali Brown

Happy New Year! I hope you had a fantastic holiday season! I took a few weeks off to be with my family here in Scottsdale, Arizona, and while Brett’s mum was visiting us from Australia. The twins are now 19 months old, so it was a really fun Christmas because we could see their excitement when they saw their new toys under the tree.

Now, bring on 2015! Wow… 2014 was a wild ride for many of us… a “bridge year” for us to get clear on who and where we want to be, and what we want to create in 2015.

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Good news…

I’m not writing about contagious diseases, war, or politics. If you want more B.S. you can surely find all you want on the news.

Take a deep breath, and be here, now.

I’m writing you about the incredible possibility and potential you have right now in YOUR life.

And it starts with your livelihood. The good news is there are more successful women role models out there than ever. Last year alone there were over 8.6 million women-owned businesses in the US, generating over $1.3 trillion in revenue.

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