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Letting go of fear, and gaining hair…?

Variety is the spice of life, and that speaks for our guests this week on Season 2 of my Web show #WeLeadLIVE. I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss these!

Here’s how to catch the replays of these interviews with two multiple 7-figure businesswomen you should listen to and follow (and we had a ton of fun)…

Episode 3…

‘FEAR is not the boss of you’ says our guest, Jennifer Allwood, based in Kansas City, MO. And we need to hear this right now more than ever.

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#WeLeadLIVE Season 2 Starts Monday!

A quick note as we head into the weekend…

I’m happy to announce Season 2 of my LIVE webcast #WeLeadLIVE is debuting online this coming Monday, August 17 at Noon ET/9am PT.

Won’t you join me?

I’ll be interviewing some of the smartest 7- and 8-figure women entrepreneurs I know on what they have been doing right now during this turbulent year — whether their power play has been doubling down, playing it safe, or shifting gears completely.

You’ll be hearing from the:

founder + CEO of a multimillion-dollar northwest chain of weight loss centers on how she’s navigated through 2020 to not only keep her physical locations afloat — but add an entirely new revenue stream to her business (and this idea could work for you too)
leader of an award-winning web development firm who designs projects for major luminaries like Brene Brown and Martha Beck on upcoming trends for web success … along with pitfalls to avoid when hiring a web company for your new brand
founder + CEO of one of today’s premier hair brands on how beauty businesses can truly be recession-proof services going into 2021 (and how she’s coping with her young twins schooling at home this fall as well ;))

…and more real business guests and advice with NO ‘boss babe B.S’.

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How to work with me for the remainder of 2020…

The only thing we know for sure this year is… nothing is going back to ‘normal’ anytime soon. (Especially during an election year ;))

You’ve probably gotten through this all OK via hustling, pivoting, or changing lanes.

But now, as we enter the second half of summer, are you feeling it’s time for a strategic shift in your business or personal trajectory?

If so, here’s my advice

Before you jump into another formulized, step-by-step ‘program’ right now, I recommend you invest a bit of time to truly identify how YOU should best shift or grow your business for the remainder of the year, and into 2021.

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The words to say it…

Over the past week, I’ve taken some time to truly absorb and process the recent horrific events and their overwhelming response worldwide. I’ve also been considering what our specific role can be as a company, and where to personally go from here as a leader.

I abhor brutality. I abhor injustice. I abhor racism. And I understand that’s just the start though of the awareness and convictions we need to have and claim about what has been simmering here… this huge movement around #blacklivesmatter that has broken through to the surface for correction. A massive wave we can’t deny that is having us all consider what type of change this calls out for each of us.

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Have we LOST all connection?

Have you missed being around people? I have.

Even little things like being able to go back to our quiet little spa gym seem like a treat. I was able to hit the weights twice this week and it felt great. (While I tried to workout at home, I just couldn’t get ‘in the zone’ to really do my thing.)

And it was great to give a big smile and ‘hello’ to the other members who were there.

I have a feeling that while we’ve seen virtual meetings boom during the last few months, in-person connections are going to be even more coveted in the next year or two.

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Turning things around…

I hope you and your family are hanging in there if your state is still slow to recover.

Now that Arizona is reopening, we took advantage of enjoying our first family night out in quite awhile. The kids were so excited to go out that they changed outfits twice while getting ready. It was great to see other families out and about during our early dinner and gelato.

(Lest you think my daughter is flipping you the bird in this photo, she’s showing off her Wikki Stix ring she made at dinner.

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Permission for MORE…

We are seeing ‘signs of life’ here in Arizona, which I’m thrilled about. It’s the first day the salons are open, and I’ll admit I was first on the books for a luxe mani/pedi. Ahhhhh.

So happy to support my local business owners and feel great too! It was a great way to start the weekend.

Have you noticed how conditioned you are right now to coping with ‘less’?

In many ways that has been beneficial for us.

But, it’s also OK for the underlying agitation and uncomfortableness to fuel you to create your own new, higher ground.

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Opportunities within the challenges…

I hope you’re finding much-needed opportunities lately to recharge where you can. I have to say that our family, like many
others, has become more in love with the outdoors than ever before.

This past weekend we drove up to beautiful Sedona, Arizona (less than two hours from Phoenix) for a change of scenery and to let the kids run wild and free a bit.

Brett and I enjoyed being completely offline and ‘out of range’ in the woods, and we got our exercise in as well.  

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Madness, Vision, God, and Memberships…

I hope you and yours are healthy and well, and are gearing up for an Easter weekend of gratitude like no other. 🙂

As you’re catching up on emails before the weekend, I wanted to drop a note with a few resources I think you’d find really helpful right now for your business and your mindset.

1. ‘Lost in the Madness… and Where to Go from Here’

I just posted a NEW article on LinkedIn as part of my Iconoclast newsletter there.

It’s about how, right now, it’s easy to panic, pivot your business too quickly, and grab what’s in front of you.

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My Brand-New Resource…

Witnessing our current times, it’s evident that critical thinking is more important—and urgent—than ever.

Our traditional institutions have failed us, conventional business models are floundering, and there is madness outside your door.

Join me for a new conversation designed to break us out of mainstay methods of doing business and achieving impact.

We are being called to something higher.

Because right now we are actually—albeit in a strange way—being guided to make rapid progress forward.

After three years of hosting my ‘Iconic’ workshops for business leaders, I’m now shifting to a brand-new message based on what I see we most need at this time.

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