lisa sasevich Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 22 Posts categorized under lisa sasevich

Livestream TODAY: How to fill your coaching groups

A quick note about a free LIVE training today at 2pm Eastern (NY)/11 am Pacific .

“ Mastermind Profit Secrets; Fill your Groups, Leverage your Time, and Increase Profits ” 

A few of you have been writing me with questions about Lisa Sasevich’s program I mentioned, and I thought this would be a good chance for you to see her teaching and coaching live, and doing Q&A as well.

During this livestream, you’ll learn:

How to nail your ‘Event Promise’ — the first step to filling your event
The numbers on how it’s possible to make a year’s worth of revenue in just 3 days.

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Can SMALL events make big profits?

Do you host seminars… or have you considered hosting a seminar (or workshop, conference, event) for your business?

And would you be interested in learning how to dramatically boost your profits using those events… without needing a bigger list, huge platform, or products to sell?

Even with a workshop with as few as 10 people?

Then I’d like you to read this carefully, because there’s a very powerful resource that just opened enrollment, and I think you should know about it… before it disappears.

It’s called Event Profit Secrets 2.0.

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My first workshop, my first refund, and my first giant payday…

I hosted my first little workshop back in 2005.

I had 28 people attend, and I remember being so nervous, hoping they’d love the content, which at the time was focused on leveraging your business online.

I walked in praying that no one would hate it and ask for a refund. (One woman did. I obliged. And then she asked if she could still come to the party that evening! I said ‘NO’.)

But the other 27 people? They LOVED it.

At the end, they asked what else I had to offer.

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One more great speaking and selling resource for you…

G’day from Sydney! We are still here one more week before we stop over in Hawaii on the way home.

It was great to hear from all of you who let me know you appreciated that last resource I shared with you from my friend and past client Lisa Sasevich.

I also wanted to make sure you got your hands on her new short, free training titled “Exactly How To Build A Talk That Sells” that reveals the tips and tricks to make a presentation that will really speak to your audience and lead to incredible growth.

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The ONE course you should take this year…

This is my last email on this topic, but it’s warranted because this is the LAST DAY you can take advantage of what I feel is a spectacular and life-changing offer. You know, I have a new friend who is trying to get her work online into courses and programs, and she’s having a really hard time. Because she’s trying to shortcut learning how to really do it. It’s not uncommon. (There are many people trying to just model what they see others do, without taking time to simply learn a proven, step-by-step formula that WORKS.)

I told her, without hesitation, the best training she needs to jump on is Lisa Sasevich’s 6-Figure Telesminar and Webinar Sales System.

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Don't miss this TOMORROW…

I’m in Laguna Beach right now with my family, and we’re having a ball! The weather is fantastic and the kids are loving beach life. We’re excited to be here for the entire summer.
>>> I wanted you to know about something happening TOMORROW you may be very interested in, and it’s going to be LIVE.
You all know I very rarely promote other people’s offerings – it’s only when it’s something I truly will put my name behind, from someone with a stellar reputation, as well as information I believe most of my readers would benefit from greatly.

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Did you pick up that free Blueprint yet?

If you haven’t yet picked up that free blueprint on how to triple your teleseminar and webinar sales, I just wanted to send a little reminder. Because I find it very disheartening when I see folks put off getting their work online and into profitable courses and programs because they think their launch has to be complicated.

When actually, they can get great results simply using teleseminars and webinars.

I often have to tell my clients who get distracted by all the latest “advice”: Stop focusing on what’s new and start focusing on what really works.

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YES… they still work! Stop making things so complicated…

Is planning your first big launch making you want to lose your lunch?

While there are many people out there selling launch “systems” that require hiring a large team, shooting multiple videos, creating a 17-phase project plan, and likely having to put yourself on anti-anxiety meds… I want to bring you back to basics for a minute.

Did you know that one of the best and easiest ways to successfully launch yourself online is to host a teleseminar or webinar? Yes, still.

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Inspire prospects to say YES on the spot

My friend and past client, sales conversion expert Lisa Sasevich, is offering you a free download of her best-selling ebook, “Boost Your Sales: How to Use Irresistible Offers … Without Being Salesy“, and I wanted to let you know about it.

You’ll discover simple steps you can apply right away so you’re ready to make your “Irresistible Offer” and inspire an on-the-spot YES whenever you encounter an ideal client … (online or offline)

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