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Livestream TODAY: How to fill your coaching groups

A quick note about a free LIVE training today at 2pm Eastern (NY)/11 am Pacific .

“ Mastermind Profit Secrets; Fill your Groups, Leverage your Time, and Increase Profits ” 

A few of you have been writing me with questions about Lisa Sasevich’s program I mentioned, and I thought this would be a good chance for you to see her teaching and coaching live, and doing Q&A as well.

During this livestream, you’ll learn:

How to nail your ‘Event Promise’ — the first step to filling your event
The numbers on how it’s possible to make a year’s worth of revenue in just 3 days.

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Can SMALL events make big profits?

Do you host seminars… or have you considered hosting a seminar (or workshop, conference, event) for your business?

And would you be interested in learning how to dramatically boost your profits using those events… without needing a bigger list, huge platform, or products to sell?

Even with a workshop with as few as 10 people?

Then I’d like you to read this carefully, because there’s a very powerful resource that just opened enrollment, and I think you should know about it… before it disappears.

It’s called Event Profit Secrets 2.0.

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My first workshop, my first refund, and my first giant payday…

I hosted my first little workshop back in 2005.

I had 28 people attend, and I remember being so nervous, hoping they’d love the content, which at the time was focused on leveraging your business online.

I walked in praying that no one would hate it and ask for a refund. (One woman did. I obliged. And then she asked if she could still come to the party that evening! I said ‘NO’.)

But the other 27 people? They LOVED it.

At the end, they asked what else I had to offer.

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Well I can’t believe this, but I also can…

ICONIC with Ali Brown” SOLD OUT in less than 48 hours.

We had to shut down the page this morning! All seats were snapped up by those who were smart to get on the pre-notification list.

The good news is our waitlist is now set up for enrollment.

If you’d still be interested in getting on the waitlist for any spots that open, you can still learn more and apply here.

The overwhelming response in itself is a testament to how so many entrepreneur women at the higher levels from around the world are craving elevated perspective and a new conversation…

From launching… to leading.  

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Calling all thought leaders, firebrands, extraordinary entrepreneurs, and forces of nature… for my first U.S. workshop in nearly two years.

TOMORROW, Monday, July 17, registration will go LIVE for…

Oct. 24 & 25, 2017 in Los Angeles.

Refreshingly different.

Only 50 seats available.

==> Thank you to all who have been writing me with comments such as these:

“Perfect timing. I’m ready to create a more powerful level of my business, from a more powerful place, and with the help of a more powerful leader.”

“Oh Ali — this is exactly the higher level conversation I’m craving.

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3 days until we go ICONIC…

Calling all thought leaders, firebrands, extraordinary entrepreneurs, and forces of nature…

For my first U.S. workshop in nearly two years.

In just 3 DAYS, registration will go LIVE for…

Oct. 24 & 25, 2017 in Los Angeles.
Refreshingly different.
Only 50 seats available.

With all the market saturation, pollution, and consolidation we’re seeing online, you’re going to keep hitting the wall if you just market harder.

Instead, I invite you to become ICONIC in your industry.

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The gift of a plateau in your business…

Many clients who come work with me do so because their businesses has reached a plateau.

A tremendously successful plateau, but… a plateau.

Or even, they have started to see sales declining. They just aren’t getting the numbers they used to get so easily and naturally.

Is that you?

First of all, congratulate yourself for the success you’ve already reached. Often when we reach a plateau it means we have built a stable and solid venture. It’s the top of that traditional business S-curve.

Second of all, you’re not alone.

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Squatty Potty, financial power, and stepping into your destiny…

Have you caught the latest episodes of my Glambition® Radio? Time to download some free and instant on-the-go advice, inspiration, and revelation for the upcoming holiday weekend!

I’m honored the show has now been recognized by both Inc. and Entrepreneur magazines as a must listen podcast for entrepreneurs. And this show is also my favorite venture of all time.

These latest 6 episodes share the powerful stories of these amazing women founders, creators, and leaders. Keep reading below for descriptions…

You can listen to them here or download right now, for free.

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You’re not high maintenance. You’re high concept.

“You’re not high maintenance. You’re… uh… high concept,” he said, eyeing me suspiciously across the table as he swirled his Scotch.

It was our second date, and that was when I knew I’d probably never hear from him again.

I was correct.

I wasn’t surprised, because smart women typically freak out LA men.

But I was thrilled, because he’d given me a true gift.

I’d finally been defined.

That was 2010, but I’d always been a different bird. Still am. And I’m guessing you are too.

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It’s exhausting to market “harder”…

When competition swarms around, it can be good in many ways, as it gets you to raise your game.

But most often, it actually keeps you playing small … because then often your entire focus becomes marketing.

And that’s exhausting.


Because someone else will always have…

Cooler videos.

A larger following.

Greater exposure.

More cash to market.

Better ads.

More posts.

A larger team.

Lower prices.

More famous friends.

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