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The end of the ‘pitch fest’?

We are getting more and more excited now that we’re less than 2 WEEKS away from my ICONIC 2021: Liberation event, and the momentum is building!

I’ve been hearing from our registrants how much the idea of a conference like this intrigued them.

Some of them were tired of those huge ‘rah rah’ events filled with beginners and B.S.

Or they’ve been burnt by ‘workshops’ they had invested to attend and learn, but then realized the event was just a giant pitch fest with no insightful content whatsoever. (Infuriating, especially when you’ve paid well to be there.)

Or you’ve grown tired of the same-old business building conversations, and while you are focused on growth, you also know this is about a much bigger game.

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Only 20 seats left… is one waiting for you?

Well the heat has finally ‘broken’ here in Arizona. We get all giddy when it finally drops below 80 degrees. It’s like our ‘first day of spring’ for those of you in the colder climates. We can finally tolerate more outside activities (besides dining under misters and hanging out at resort pools).

Here’s a quick pic of my family on a fantastic hike last weekend! Best shot we could get on top of a mountain in blinding sunlight. 😉

And this season change always brings me a surge of energy. I am beyond fired up for my ICONIC event in a few weeks, and wanted to give an update on everything.

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Success on your own terms

‘Success on your own terms.’

What does that mean to you?

I remember hearing this concept over 15 years ago from one of my first marketing mentors, Dan Kennedy. He was a gruff older man who had many infallible opinions in general that didn’t jive with my own.

(A staunch midwestern Republican was an unlikely mentor at the time for a then single, LA-based, feminist female.)

But I listened. And I quietly took what resonated for me, and left the rest. (I respected that other human beings have the right to their own opinions, unlike many people feel today.)

Because in the end, it wasn’t about what his terms were at all.

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Nature abhors a vacuum…

How often in your career have you attended a workshop or participated in a course only to feel the burden of having to do MORE afterward?

Rather than achieving the clarity and breakthroughs you’d hoped, instead you feel the weight of numerous new obligations hanging in the wings. (Isn’t that what you tried to get away from in the first place??)

If you’ve hit a plateau in your trajectory, it’s only natural to seek the next best actions to achieve *insert your desired result here*.

But what if the answer to correcting your stall is NOT to do more… nor solicit another’s advice… but to create + embrace radical ‘white space’?

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Hello From the Road + A Special Invitation for August 19

What a week it’s been…

I’m back from a birthday road trip to the coast celebrating my big 5-0 with my husband Brett. (Thank you ALL for the warm birthday wishes!)

If you saw my recent IG Live done from the car last Monday, you heard me express my immense gratitude for life and what’s yet to come… as well as acknowledge the strangeness that we’re all experiencing right now. It’s an emotional, unfiltered share, and many people told me they got teary listening to it as well! You can find it here.

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Success beyond reason…

When you make your actions line up with what you believe is your destiny, you not only make amazing things happen, but amazing things begin to happen FOR you.

But you’ve got to think beyond what past evidence would allow.

Scientists studying quantum physics have documented that some particles can make radical ‘jumps’ without apparent effort… without covering all the bases between the starting and ending points.

If you’ve been following along with the current 3D —> 5D ascension of the human collective, you’re aware of how much easier this will be going forward.

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It’s time for… your great reset

Don’t worry, I’m not referring to the current global agenda!

But given this past year, are you suddenly taking a closer look at…

where you are?
where you’ve been?
and where you think you want to go?

You’re not alone. And it’s both business… and personal.

Remember when you started your first venture? Everything felt fresh and new, and the world was full of opportunities. There were many great things ahead.

But often, after even just a few years in business, things can feel a bit stale. Even if they are working wonderfully.

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How to get out of your circle (and out of the ‘sausage fests’!)

Is the company you keep expanding your growth and emboldening your work in the world?

If it’s true that ‘you become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with’, consider if your current circles are a bit stagnant.

Many women, without being conscious of it, end up landing in (and staying in) the same rooms and masterminds, year after year. The ones they are ‘comfortable’ in. They feel like family, and that’s great.

But then, there’s a calling. They realize they can still attend those meetings and love those folks, but they also need to now be more strategic about seeking out curated, elevated rooms.

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A pandemic of another kind…

A major observation I’ve had over my 15+ years of coaching and mentoring is seeing brilliant women try to solve their problems or evolve their businesses with the same mindsets that created them.

And it happens to all of us at one time or another. Often, it’s not our fault, as we fall into success patterns that we simply repeat to grow. And, we’re not as continually exposed to other ideas as we should be.

Yes, the world has forced many types of situational disruption on us over the past year, which has led to some innovation.

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Remember this FREEDOM…

As yesterday’s holiday here in the U.S. was Memorial Day, the concept of freedomhas been on my mind… in more ways than one.

When I hosted my last ICONIC in 2019, none of the women entrepreneurs in attendance had any idea of what we would face just a few short months after gathering for this life-changing event.

The year of 2020 brought with it immense challenges (limiting our freedom in many aspects), but also led us to tremendous opportunities.

Now, as I share often with my clients, we are truly ‘built for all seasons’.

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